Creating a recurring, weekday event in the Calendar portlet with the timezone set in setenv, portal settings, and user settings will cause the event to be displaced one day
is related to

Sharry Shi May 14, 2013 at 5:29 AM
This issue also affect 6.1.x
Tomcat 7.0 + MySQL 5. Portal 6.1.x.EE GIT ID: 3dcd32b07ad33b2e480d166745030c20196b1f33.

Sharry Shi March 28, 2013 at 8:38 PM
PASSED Manual Testing following the steps in the description.
Fixed on:
Tomcat 7.0 + MySQL 5. Portal 6.2.x GIT ID: 40e22a46fd3fca422399b2f23c9fe8f56a3da0a4.
A new recurring event begins from the correct day, and repeats through workday.

Jonathan McCann March 27, 2013 at 7:41 AM
I have updated the steps to reproduce in accordance with my comment on March 21st. Please retest with the new steps with the goal that time zone insensitive repeating events work properly.

Sharry Shi March 26, 2013 at 9:07 PM
FAILED Manual Testing following the steps in the description.
Reproduced on:
Tomcat 7.0 + MySQL 5. Portal 6.2.x GIT ID: 0ab68cbeec9ff57b9321af67d649bbf4aa03a132.
A new recurring event begins from the next day, and repeats through Saturday.
Failed on:
Tomcat 7.0 + MySQL 5. Portal 6.2.x GIT ID: 74426b02053d74b73e621a22ccc81b5196c529cc.
A new recurring event begins from the next day, and repeats through Saturday.

Jonathan McCann March 21, 2013 at 11:26 AM
I spoke with Matt Kong and he said that Tomcat's time zone (set in setenv) should always be GMT or else Liferay's calendar will always break. This fix relies on that logic and fixes time zone insensitive events since time zone sensitive events already work.


Fix Priority
Git Pull Request
Story Points
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Affects versions
Zendesk Support
Linked Tickets
Zendesk Support

1) In Liferay Portal - Control Panel / Portal Settings / Display Settings / Time Zone - set to (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time
2) In Liferay Portal - Control Panel / My Account / Display Settings / Time Zone - set to (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time
3) In the Liferay Calendar/Event Portlet, add a new event.
Start Date 3/4/13 5pm, duration 1 hour
Check Time Zone Insensitive
Title: Test1
Repeat Daily / Every Weekday
End date set to 3/5/2014
No Reminders set
Expected behavior: A new recurring event will be set starting on Monday, March 4th, 2013 that repeats every weekday
Actual behavior: A new recurring even will be set starting on Tuesday, March 5th, 2013 that repeats Tuesday through Saturday