function changeBackground(path, extension) { var bodyWidth; if (is_safari) { bodyWidth = self.innerWidth; } else { bodyWidth = document.body.clientWidth; } if (extension != null) { if (bodyWidth <= 1024) { = "url(" + path + "." + extension + ")"; } else if (bodyWidth > 1024 && bodyWidth <= 1280) { = "url(" + path + "-1280." + extension + ")"; } else if (bodyWidth > 1280) { = "url(" + path + "-1600." + extension + ")"; } } } var DragLink = { create: function(item, dragId) { item.dragId = $(dragId); item.clickLink = item.href; item.href = "javascript:void(0)"; item.onclick = DragLink.onLinkClick; }, onLinkClick: function() { if (this.dragId.wasClicked) { if (is_ie) { setTimeout("window.location = \"" + this.clickLink + "\";", 0); } else { window.location = this.clickLink; } } } } var DynamicSelect = { create : function(url, source, target, callback, query) { var returnObj = new Object(); returnObj["callback"] = callback; returnObj["target"] = target; source.onchange = function() { loadPage(url, (query ? (query + "&") : "") + "sourceValue=" + this.value, DynamicSelect.returnFunction, returnObj); } }, returnFunction : function(xmlHttpReq, returnObj) { var select; var target = returnObj["target"]; var callback = returnObj["callback"]; try { select = eval("(" + xmlHttpReq.responseText + ")"); } catch (err) { } target.length = 0; if (select.options.length > 0) { target.disabled = false; var options = select.options; for (var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) { target.options[i] = new Option(options[i].name, options[i].value); } } else { target.disabled = true; } if (callback != null) { callback(); } } } var LiferayDock = { MODE: { EXPAND: 0, COLLAPSE: 1 }, ORDER: [0,1,4,5,2,8,6,9,3,12,10,7,13,11,14,15], FRAME_C: 0.08, cached: null, count: 0, constants: null, defaultText: "", defaultTimer: 0, defaultTimeout: 0, dock: null, dockIcons: null, modeTimer: 0, dockCoords: new Array(), debug: function() { $("dock_debug").innerHTML = this.dockCoords.toSource(); }, initialize: function(defaultText) { var constants = new Array(); this.dockCoords[0] = new Array(); this.dockCoords[1] = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < 4; j++) { var box = new Object(); var x = j * (-54); var y = i * (54); var h = Math.sqrt(x*x + y*y); box.h = h; box.x = x; box.y = y; box.lastFrame = h * this.FRAME_C; if (h) { box.sin = y/h; box.cos = x/h; } constants.push(box); } } for (var i = 0; i < 16; i++) { LiferayDock.dockCoords[0][i] = new Array(); LiferayDock.dockCoords[1][i] = new Array(); } var self = this; var dock = $("portal-dock"); var dockIcons = document.getElementsByClassName("portal-dock-box", dock); var size = dockIcons.length; this.dock = dock; this.dockIcons = dockIcons; this.constants = constants; this.defaultText = defaultText || ""; dock.onmouseover = this.expand.bindAsEventListener(this); dock.onmouseout = this.collapse.bindAsEventListener(this); dockIcons.each(function(item, index) { item.onmouseout = self.collapse.bindAsEventListener(self); item.constants = self.constants[self.ORDER[index]]; = size - index; }); var myPlaces = $("portal-dock-my-places"); myPlaces.getElementsByTagName("table")[0].onmouseover = function() {; this.onmouseover = function() {}; }; this.cached = LiferayDockCached; }, setMode: function(mode) { this.direction = mode; if (!this.timer) { this.timer = setTimeout("LiferayDock.animate()", 1); clearTimeout(this.defaultTimer); if (mode == LiferayDock.MODE.COLLAPSE) { this.defaultTimer = setTimeout("LiferayDock.showText(\"" + this.defaultText + "\", 0)", this.defaultTimeout); } } }, showText: function(text, defaultTimeout) { var textBox = $("portal-dock-text"); this.showObject(textBox); textBox.innerHTML = text; this.defaultTimeout = (defaultTimeout || 1) * 1000; }, showObject: function(item, defaultTimeout) { item = $(item); var helpItems = new Array(); helpItems.push($("portal-dock-text")); helpItems.push($("portal-dock-my-places")); helpItems.push($("portal-dock-search")); helpItems.each(function(helpItem){ if ( == { = ""; } else { = "none"; } }); if ( == "portal-dock-my-places") { item.getElementsByTagName("table")[0].onmouseover = function() {; this.onmouseover = function() {}; }; } this.defaultTimeout = (defaultTimeout || 0) * 1000; }, collapse: function() { if (this.modeTimer) { clearTimeout(this.modeTimer); } this.modeTimer = setTimeout("LiferayDock.setMode(LiferayDock.MODE.COLLAPSE)", 200); }, expand: function(event) { if (this.modeTimer) { clearTimeout(this.modeTimer); } this.modeTimer = setTimeout("LiferayDock.setMode(LiferayDock.MODE.EXPAND)", 100); }, animate: function(obj) { var collapse = (this.direction == this.MODE.COLLAPSE); var count = this.count; var updated = false; var cached = this.cached; this.dockIcons.each(function(item, index) { if (item.constants.h) { if (count <= item.constants.lastFrame) { if (!cached) { var ratio = count / item.constants.lastFrame; var dist = item.constants.h * ratio; var maxRad; } // Calculate max radian if (collapse) { if (cached) { = cached[1][index][count][0] + "px"; = cached[1][index][count][1] + "px"; } else { maxRad = Math.PI/2; distRatio = 1 + Math.sin((ratio * maxRad) - (Math.PI/2)); = (distRatio * (item.constants.x)) + "px"; = (distRatio * (item.constants.y)) + "px"; //LiferayDock.dockCoords[1][index][count] = [Math.round(distRatio * (item.constants.x)), Math.round(distRatio * (item.constants.y))]; } } else { if (cached) { = cached[0][index][count][0] + "px"; = cached[0][index][count][1] + "px"; } else { maxRad = Math.PI/2 + Math.PI/8; distRatio = Math.sin(ratio * maxRad); = (distRatio * (item.constants.x/Math.sin(maxRad))) + "px"; = (distRatio * (item.constants.y/Math.sin(maxRad))) + "px"; //LiferayDock.dockCoords[0][index][count] = [Math.round(distRatio * (item.constants.x/Math.sin(maxRad))), Math.round(distRatio * (item.constants.y/Math.sin(maxRad)))]; } } updated = true; } else { = item.constants.x + "px"; = item.constants.y + "px"; } } }); if (collapse && count > 0) { this.count--; this.timer = setTimeout("LiferayDock.animate()", 30); } else if (!collapse && updated) { this.count++; this.timer = setTimeout("LiferayDock.animate()", 30); } else { this.timer = 0; } } } var LayoutColumns = { columns: new Array(), highlight: "transparent", layoutMaximized: "", plid: "", doAsUserId: "", arrow: null, displayArrow: function(mode, left, top) { var arrow = LayoutColumns.arrow if (!arrow) { arrow = new Object(); var arrowUp = document.createElement("div"); = ZINDEX.DRAG_ARROW; = "none"; arrowUp.className = "layout-column-arrow-up"; var arrowDown = document.createElement("div"); = ZINDEX.DRAG_ARROW; = "none"; arrowDown.className = "layout-column-arrow-down"; document.body.appendChild(arrowUp); document.body.appendChild(arrowDown); arrow.up = arrowUp; arrow.down = arrowDown; LayoutColumns.arrow = arrow; } if (mode == "up") { = top + "px"; = left + "px"; = ""; = "none"; } else if (mode == "down") { = top + "px"; = left + "px"; = ""; = "none"; } else if (mode == "none") { = "none"; = "none"; } }, init: function(colArray) { for (var i = 0; i < colArray.length; i++) { var column = $("layout-column_" + colArray[i]); if (column) { column.columnId = colArray[i]; 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i < childList.length; i++){ var box = childList[i]; if (box.className && Element.hasClassName(box, "portlet-boundary")) { if (!box.isStatic) { var nwOffset = Coordinates.northwestOffset(box, true); var midY = nwOffset.y + (box.offsetHeight / 2); if (mousePos.y < midY) { insertBox = box; break; } } else if (box.isStatic.match("end")) { insertBox = box; break; } } } Element.remove(item); container.insertBefore(item, insertBox); item.dragOptions.revert = false; = ""; = ""; = ""; = ""; = "100%"; // Find new position var newPosition = 0; for (var i = 0; i < childList.length; i++){ var box = childList[i]; if (box.className && Element.hasClassName(box, "portlet-boundary")) { if (!box.isStatic) { if (box == item) { break; } newPosition++; } } } LayoutColumns.displayArrow("none"); movePortlet(LayoutColumns.plid, item.portletId, container.columnId, newPosition, LayoutColumns.doAsUserId); }, onHoverOver: function(item) { var dropOptions = this; var container = dropOptions.dropItem; var childList = container.childNodes; var insertBox = null; var bottom = true; var inside; var lastBox; for (var i = 0; i < childList.length; i++){ var box = childList[i]; if (box.className && Element.hasClassName(box, "portlet-boundary")) { if (!box.isStatic) { lastBox = box; inside = mousePos.insideObject(box, true); if (inside) { var midY = box.offsetHeight / 2; if (inside.y <= midY || box == item.dragOptions.clone) { bottom = false; } else { bottom = true; } insertBox = box; break; } } else if (box.isStatic.match("end")) { insertBox = box; break; } } } var top; var left; if (insertBox) { left = inside.nwOffset.x + 20; if (bottom) { top = inside.nwOffset.y + insertBox.offsetHeight - 50; LayoutColumns.displayArrow("down", left, top); } else { top = inside.nwOffset.y; LayoutColumns.displayArrow("up", left, top); } } else { if (lastBox) { var nwOffset = Coordinates.northwestOffset(lastBox, true); top = nwOffset.y + lastBox.offsetHeight - 50; left = nwOffset.x + 20; LayoutColumns.displayArrow("down", left, top); } else { var nwOffset = Coordinates.northwestOffset(container, true); top = nwOffset.y; left = nwOffset.x + 20; LayoutColumns.displayArrow("up", left, top); } } } } var Navigation = { params: new Object(), lastMoved: null, reordered: null, addPage: function() { var params = Navigation.params; var url = themeDisplay.getPathMain() + "/layout_management/update_page?cmd=add" + "&groupId=" + params.groupId + "&private=" + params.isPrivate + "&parent=" + params.parent + "&mainPath=" + encodeURIComponent(themeDisplay.getPathMain()) + "&doAsUserId=" + themeDisplay.getDoAsUserIdEncoded(); AjaxUtil.request(url, { onComplete: function(xmlHttpReq) { var jo = $J(xmlHttpReq.responseText); window.location = jo.url + "&newPage=1"; } }); }, removePage: function() { var tab = $("layout-tab-selected"); var tabText = $("layout-tab-text-edit").innerHTML; var params = Navigation.params; if (confirm("Remove " + tabText + "\"?")) { var url = themeDisplay.getPathMain() + "/layout_management/update_page?cmd=delete" + "&ownerId=" + params.ownerId + "&layoutId=" + params.layoutId; AjaxUtil.request(url, { onComplete: function() { window.location = themeDisplay.getPathMain() + "/portal/layout?p_l_id=" + params.ownerId + ".1"; } }); } }, init: function(params) { /* REQUIRED PARAMETERS * groupId: (String) layout.getGroupId() * hiddenIds: (Array) List of hidden layout IDs * isPrivate: (boolean) layout.isPrivateLayout() * language: (String) LanguageUtil.getLanguageId(request) * layoutId: (String) layout.getLayoutId() * layoutIds: (Array) List of displayable layout IDs * newPage: (boolean) Is this a newly added page? * ownerId: (String) Layout.getOwnerId(plid) * parent: (String) layout.getParentLayoutId() */ Navigation.params = params; QuickEdit.create("layout-tab-text-edit", { dragId: "layout-tab-selected", fixParent: true, onEdit: function(input, textWidth) { var parent = input.parentNode; var delLink = document.createElement("a"); delLink.innerHTML = "X"; delLink.href = "javascript:Navigation.removePage()"; delLink.className = "layout-tab-close"; parent.className = "layout-tab-text-editing"; = (textWidth + 20) + "px"; Element.addClassName(input, "layout-tab-input"); parent.insertBefore(delLink, input); }, onComplete: function(newTextObj, oldText) { var parent = newTextObj.parentNode; var delLinks = document.getElementsByClassName("layout-tab-close", parent); var delLink = delLinks[delLinks.length - 1]; var newText = newTextObj.innerHTML; parent.className = "layout-tab-text"; if (newText == "") { newTextObj.innerHTML = newText = "(UNTITLED)"; } = "none"; if (oldText != newText) { var params = Navigation.params; var url = themeDisplay.getPathMain() + "/layout_management/update_page?cmd=title&title=" + encodeURIComponent(newText) + "&ownerId=" + params.ownerId + "&language=" + params.language + "&layoutId=" + params.layoutId; AjaxUtil.request(url); } } }); DropZone.add("layout-nav-container", { accept: ["layout-tab"], onHoverOver: Navigation.onDrag, onDrop: Navigation.onDrop }); var tabs = document.getElementsByClassName("layout-tab", $("layout-nav-container")); tabs.each(function(item, index) { var link = item.getElementsByTagName("a"); if (link.length > 0) { link[0].style.cursor = "pointer"; } DragDrop.create(item, { forceDrop: true, revert: true }); item.layoutId = Navigation.params.layoutIds[index]; = "move"; var links = item.getElementsByTagName("a"); if (links.length > 0) { DragLink.create(links[0], item); } }); if (Navigation.params.newPage) { var opts = $("layout-tab-text-edit").editOptions; $(opts.dragId).wasClicked = true; QuickEdit.edit($("layout-tab-text-edit")); } }, move: function(obj, from, to) { var tabs = document.getElementsByClassName("layout-tab", $("layout-nav-container")); var selectedTab = obj; var nav = document.getElementById("layout-nav-container"); var target; Element.remove(selectedTab); if (from > to) { target = tabs[to]; } else { if (to == tabs.length - 1) { target = $("layout-tab-add"); } else { target = tabs[to + 1]; } } nav.insertBefore(selectedTab, target); }, onDrag: function(item) { var dragOptions = item.dragOptions; var clone = dragOptions.clone; var fromIndex = -1; var toIndex = -1; clone.layoutId = item.layoutId; var tabs = document.getElementsByClassName("layout-tab", "layout-nav-container"); tabs.each(function(tab, index) { if (tab == clone) { fromIndex = index; } if (mousePos.insideObject(tab, true)) { if (tab != clone) { if (tab != Navigation.lastMoved) { toIndex = index; Navigation.lastMoved = tab; } } else { Navigation.lastMoved = null; } } }); if (fromIndex >= 0 && toIndex >= 0) { Navigation.move(clone, fromIndex, toIndex); } }, onDrop: function(item) { tabs = document.getElementsByClassName("layout-tab", $("layout-nav-container")); var reordered = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < tabs.length; i++) { reordered[i] = tabs[i].layoutId; } Navigation.reordered = reordered; if (Navigation.reordered) { var reordered = Navigation.reordered; var params = Navigation.params; var url = themeDisplay.getPathMain() + "/layout_management/update_page?cmd=reorder" + "&ownerId=" + params.ownerId + "&parent=" + params.parent + "&layoutIds=" + reordered.concat(Navigation.params.hiddenIds); AjaxUtil.request(url); } } } var PortletHeaderBar = { fadeIn : function (id) { var bar = document.getElementById(id); // portlet has been removed. exit. if (bar == null) return; if (bar.startOut) { // stop fadeOut prematurely clearTimeout(bar.timerOut); bar.timerOut = 0; } bar.startOut = false; bar.startIn = true; bar.opac += 20; for (var i = 0; i < bar.iconList.length; i++) { Element.changeOpacity(bar.iconList[i], bar.opac); } = "block"; if (bar.opac < 100) { bar.timerIn = setTimeout("PortletHeaderBar.fadeIn(\"" + id + "\")", 50); } else { bar.timerIn = 0; bar.startIn = false; } }, fadeOut : function (id) { var bar = document.getElementById(id); // portlet has been removed. exit. if (bar == null) return; if (bar.startIn) { // stop fadeIn prematurely clearTimeout(bar.timerIn); bar.timerIn = 0; } bar.startIn = false; bar.startOut = true; bar.opac -= 20; for (var i = 0; i < bar.iconList.length; i++) { Element.changeOpacity(bar.iconList[i], bar.opac); } = "block"; if (bar.opac > 0) { bar.timerOut = setTimeout("PortletHeaderBar.fadeOut(\"" + id + "\")", 50); } else { = "none"; bar.timerOut = 0; bar.startOut = false; } }, init : function (bar) { if (!bar.iconBar) { bar.iconBar = document.getElementsByClassName("portlet-small-icon-bar", bar)[0]; } if (!bar.iconList) { bar.iconList = bar.iconBar.getElementsByTagName("img"); } }, hide : function (id) { var bar = document.getElementById(id); // If fadeIn timer has been set, but hasn't started, cancel it if (bar.timerIn && !bar.startIn) { // cancel unstarted fadeIn clearTimeout(bar.timerIn); bar.timerIn = 0; } if (!bar.startOut && bar.opac > 0) { if (bar.timerOut) { // reset unstarted fadeOut timer clearTimeout(bar.timerOut); bar.timerOut = 0; } this.init(bar); bar.timerOut = setTimeout("PortletHeaderBar.fadeOut(\"" + id + "\")", 150); } }, show : function (id) { var bar = document.getElementById(id); // If fadeOut timer has been set, but hasn't started, cancel it if (bar.timerOut && !bar.startOut) { // cancel unstarted fadeOut clearTimeout(bar.timerOut); bar.timerOut = 0; } if (!bar.startIn && (!bar.opac || bar.opac < 100)){ if (!bar.opac) { bar.opac = 0; } if (bar.timerIn) { // reset unstarted fadeIn timer clearTimeout(bar.timerIn); bar.timerIn = 0; } this.init(bar); bar.timerIn = setTimeout("PortletHeaderBar.fadeIn(\"" + id + "\")", 150); } } } var PhotoSlider = Class.create(); PhotoSlider.prototype = { initialize: function (slidingWindow, windowWidth, photos, totalPages, varName) { this.TOTAL_FRAMES = 20; this.count = 0; = 0; this.timer = 0; this.start = 0; = $(photos); = "relative"; = "0px"; this.slidingWindow = $(slidingWindow); this.windowWidth = windowWidth; this.totalPages = totalPages; this.varName = varName; }, animate: function() { if (this.count <= this.TOTAL_FRAMES) { var ratio = this.count / this.TOTAL_FRAMES; var ratio2 = Math.sin(ratio * (Math.PI/2)) var delta = -( * this.windowWidth) - this.start; = this.start + (delta * ratio2); this.count++; this.timer = setTimeout(this.varName + ".animate()", 30); } else { this.timer = 0; } }, left: function() { this.start = parseInt(; if ( > 0) {; this.count = 0; if (!this.timer) { this.timer = setTimeout(this.varName + ".animate()", 30); } } }, right: function() { this.start = parseInt(; if ( < (this.totalPages - 1)) { this.count = 0; if (!this.timer) { this.timer = setTimeout(this.varName + ".animate()", 30); } } } } var Tabs = { show : function (namespace, names, id) { var el = document.getElementById(namespace + id + "TabsId"); if (el) { el.className = "current"; } el = document.getElementById(namespace + id + "TabsSection"); if (el) { = "block"; } for (var i = 0; (names.length > 1) && (i < names.length); i++) { if (id != names[i]) { el = document.getElementById(namespace + names[i] + "TabsId"); if (el) { el.className = "none"; } el = document.getElementById(namespace + names[i] + "TabsSection"); if (el) { = "none"; } } } } } var QuickEdit = { inputList: new LinkedList(), create: function(id, options) { /* OPTIONS * dragId: (string|object) specify drag ID to disable drag during editing * fixParent: (boolean) fix width of parent element * inputType: (text|textarea) specify type of input field * onEdit: (function) executes when going into edit mode * onComplete: (function) executes after editing is done */ var item = $(id); item.editOptions = options; item.onclick = function() { QuickEdit.edit(this); }; = "text"; }, edit: function(textObj) { var opts = textObj.editOptions || new Object(); var wasClicked = true; var isTextarea = false; if (opts.dragId) { wasClicked = $(opts.dragId).wasClicked; } if (opts.inputType && opts.inputType == "textarea") { isTextarea = true; } if (!textObj.editing && wasClicked) { var input; var textDiv = textObj.parentNode; if (isTextarea) { input = document.createElement("textarea"); } else { input = document.createElement("input"); } if (opts.fixParent) { = textDiv.offsetWidth + "px"; } input.className = "portlet-form-input-field"; input.value = toText(textObj.innerHTML); input.textObj = textObj; input.onmouseover = function() { document.onclick = function() {}; } input.onmouseout = function() { document.onclick = function() {QuickEdit.inputList.each(QuickEdit.onDone)}; } input.onkeydown = function(event) { if (!isTextarea && Event.enterPressed(event)) { QuickEdit.inputList.each(QuickEdit.onDone); } } var textWidth = textObj.offsetWidth; var textHeight = textObj.offsetHeight; = "none"; textDiv.appendChild(input); if (opts.onEdit) { opts.onEdit(input, textWidth, textHeight); } input.focus(); QuickEdit.inputList.add(input); if (opts.dragId) { $(opts.dragId).disableDrag = true; } textObj.editing = true; } }, onDone: function(input) { if (input) { document.onclick = function() {}; var textObj = input.textObj; var textDiv = textObj.parentNode; var newText = toHTML(input.value); var oldText = textObj.innerHTML; var opts = textObj.editOptions; textObj.innerHTML = newText; if (opts.onComplete) { opts.onComplete(textObj, oldText); } Element.remove(input); = ""; textObj.editing = false; if (opts.dragId) { $(opts.dragId).disableDrag = false; } if (opts.fixParent) { = "auto"; } QuickEdit.inputList.remove(input); } } } var StarRating = Class.create(); StarRating.prototype = { initialize: function(item, options) { /* OPTIONS * displayOnly: (boolean) non-modifiable display * onComplete: (function) executes when rating is selected * rating: rating to initialize to */ this.options = options || new Object(); 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