# # Specify the Liferay home directory. # liferay.home=${catalina.base} image.hook.impl=com.liferay.portal.image.DatabaseHook dl.hook.impl=com.liferay.documentlibrary.util.JCRHook ## ## Portal Context ## ## ## Verify ## # # MySQL # #jdbc.default.driverClassName=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver #jdbc.default.url=jdbc:mysql://mini/lpsdk?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8&useFastDateParsing=false #jdbc.default.username=lp #jdbc.default.password=imlp # # Oracle # #jdbc.default.driverClassName=oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver #jdbc.default.url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@mini:1521:mini #jdbc.default.username=lp #jdbc.default.password=imlp # # PostgreSQL # jdbc.default.driverClassName=org.postgresql.Driver jdbc.default.url=jdbc:postgresql://mini:5432/lpce jdbc.default.username=lp jdbc.default.password=imlp ## ## Company ## # # This sets the default web id. Omniadmin users must belong to the company # with this web id. # company.default.web.id=liferay.portlets.com.au # # This sets the default home URL of the portal. # company.default.home.url=/web/guest # # The login field is prepopulated with the company's domain name if the # login is unpopulated and user authentication is based on email addresses. # Set this to false to disable the behavior. # company.login.prepopulate.domain=true # # The portal can authenticate users based on their email address, screen # name, or user id. # company.security.auth.type=emailAddress #company.security.auth.type=screenName #company.security.auth.type=userId # # Set this to true to ensure users login with https. # company.security.auth.requires.https=false # # Set this to true to allow users to select the "remember me" feature to # automatically login to the portal. # company.security.auto.login=true # # Set this to the maximum age (in number of seconds) of the browser cookie # that enables the "remember me" feature. A value of 31536000 signifies # lifespan of one year. A value of -1 signifies a lifespan of a browser # session. # # Rather than setting this to 0, set the property # "company.security.auto.login" to false to disable the "remember me" # feature. # company.security.auto.login.max.age=31536000 # # Set this to true to allow users to ask the portal to send them their # password. # company.security.send.password=true # # Set this to true to allow strangers to create accounts and register # themselves on the portal. # company.security.strangers=true # # Enter a friendly URL of a page that will be used to create new accounts # whenever the user clicks the "create account" link in the login portlet. # This allows providing custom portlets to create accounts. By default, the # portal's create account will be used. # #company.security.strangers.url=/create_account # # Set this to true if strangers can create accounts with email addresses # that match the company mail suffix. This property is not used unless # "company.security.strangers" is also set to true. # company.security.strangers.with.mx=true # # Set this to true if strangers who create accounts need to be verified via # email. # company.security.strangers.verify=false # # Set this to true to allow community administrators to use their own logo # instead of the enterprise logo. # company.security.community.logo=true # # Input a list of sections that will be included as part of the company # settings form. # company.settings.form.configuration=general,authentication,default-user-associations,reserved-credentials,mail-host-names,email-notifications company.settings.form.identification=addresses,phone-numbers,additional-email-addresses,websites company.settings.form.miscellaneous=display-settings ## ## Users ## ## ## Groups and Roles ## ## ## Organizations ## ## ## Languages and Time Zones ## ## ## Look and Feel ## ## ## Request ## ## ## Session ## ## ## JAAS ## ## ## Security Manager ## ## ## Startup Events ## ## ## Shutdown Events ## ## ## Portal Events ## ## ## Default Landing Page ## ## ## Default Logout Page ## ## ## Default Guest Public Layouts ## ## ## Default User Private Layouts ## ## ## Default User Public Layouts ## ## ## Default Admin ## # # Set the default admin password. # default.admin.password=imadmin # # Set the default admin screen name prefix. # default.admin.screen.name=admin # # Set the default admin email address prefix. # default.admin.email.address.prefix=admin # # Set the default admin first name. # default.admin.first.name=Bianca # # Set the default admin middle name. # default.admin.middle.name= # # Set the default admin last name. # default.admin.last.name=Cat ## ## Layouts ## ## ## Portlet URL ## ## ## Mail ## # # Set the JNDI name to lookup the Java Mail session. If none is set, then # the portal will attempt to create the Java Mail session based on the # properties prefixed with "mail.session.". # #mail.session.jndi.name=mail/MailSession # # Set the properties used to create the Java Mail session. The property # prefix "mail.session." will be removed before it is used to create the # session object. These properties will only be read if the property # "mail.session.jndi.name" is not set. # mail.session.mail.smtp.host="smtp.gmail.com" mail.session.mail.smtp.port="465" mail.session.mail.smtp.starttls.enable="true" mail.session.mail.smtp.auth="true" mail.session.mail.smtp.debug="false" mail.session.mail.smtp.socketFactory.port="465" mail.session.mail.smtp.socketFactory.class="javax.net.ssl.SSLSocketFactory" mail.session.mail.smtp.socketFactory.fallback="false" mail.session.mail.smtp.user="biancashouse" mail.session.mail.smtp.passwd="Ian.White" mail.session.mail.smtp.password="Ian.White" mail.session.mail.transport.protocol="smtp" # # Set this to false if administrator should not be allowed to change the # mail domain via the Admin portlet. # mail.mx.update=true # # Input a list of comma delimited email addresses that will receive a BCC of # every email sent through the mail server. # mail.audit.trail=ian@biancashouse.com,admin@liferay.portlets.com.au # # Set the name of a class that implements com.liferay.mail.util.Hook. The # mail server will use this class to ensure that the mail and portal servers # are synchronized on user information. The portal will not know how to add, # update, or delete users from the mail server except through this hook. # # Available hooks are: # com.liferay.mail.util.CyrusHook # com.liferay.mail.util.DummyHook # com.liferay.mail.util.FuseMailHook # com.liferay.mail.util.SendmailHook # com.liferay.mail.util.ShellHook # mail.hook.impl=com.liferay.mail.util.DummyHook