/* Navicat MySQL Data Transfer Source Server : mysql5.5 Source Server Version : 50552 Source Host : Source Database : test1 Target Server Type : MYSQL Target Server Version : 50552 File Encoding : 65001 Date: 2017-06-09 11:22:03 */ SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for Account_ -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `Account_`; CREATE TABLE `Account_` ( `accountId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `companyId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userName` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `createDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `modifiedDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `parentAccountId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `name` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `legalName` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `legalId` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `legalType` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `sicCode` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `tickerSymbol` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `industry` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `type_` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `size_` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`accountId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of Account_ -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `Account_` VALUES ('10138', '10136', '0', '', '2017-06-09 03:16:06', '2017-06-09 03:16:06', '0', 'liferay.com', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''); -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for Address -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `Address`; CREATE TABLE `Address` ( `addressId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `companyId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userName` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `createDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `modifiedDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `classNameId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `classPK` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `street1` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `street2` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `street3` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `city` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `zip` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `regionId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `countryId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `typeId` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `mailing` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, `primary_` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`addressId`), KEY `IX_93D5AD4E` (`companyId`), KEY `IX_ABD7DAC0` (`companyId`,`classNameId`), KEY `IX_71CB1123` (`companyId`,`classNameId`,`classPK`), KEY `IX_923BD178` (`companyId`,`classNameId`,`classPK`,`mailing`), KEY `IX_9226DBB4` (`companyId`,`classNameId`,`classPK`,`primary_`), KEY `IX_5BC8B0D4` (`userId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of Address -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for AnnouncementsDelivery -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `AnnouncementsDelivery`; CREATE TABLE `AnnouncementsDelivery` ( `deliveryId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `companyId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `type_` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `email` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, `sms` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, `website` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`deliveryId`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_BA4413D5` (`userId`,`type_`), KEY `IX_6EDB9600` (`userId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of AnnouncementsDelivery -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for AnnouncementsEntry -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `AnnouncementsEntry`; CREATE TABLE `AnnouncementsEntry` ( `uuid_` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `entryId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `companyId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userName` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `createDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `modifiedDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `classNameId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `classPK` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `title` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `content` longtext, `url` longtext, `type_` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `displayDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `expirationDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `priority` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `alert` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`entryId`), KEY `IX_A6EF0B81` (`classNameId`,`classPK`), KEY `IX_14F06A6B` (`classNameId`,`classPK`,`alert`), KEY `IX_D49C2E66` (`userId`), KEY `IX_1AFBDE08` (`uuid_`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of AnnouncementsEntry -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for AnnouncementsFlag -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `AnnouncementsFlag`; CREATE TABLE `AnnouncementsFlag` ( `flagId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `userId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `createDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `entryId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `value` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`flagId`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_4539A99C` (`userId`,`entryId`,`value`), KEY `IX_9C7EB9F` (`entryId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of AnnouncementsFlag -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for AssetCategory -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `AssetCategory`; CREATE TABLE `AssetCategory` ( `uuid_` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `categoryId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `groupId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `companyId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userName` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `createDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `modifiedDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `parentCategoryId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `leftCategoryId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `rightCategoryId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `name` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `title` longtext, `vocabularyId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`categoryId`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_BE4DF2BF` (`parentCategoryId`,`name`,`vocabularyId`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_E8D019AA` (`uuid_`,`groupId`), KEY `IX_E639E2F6` (`groupId`), KEY `IX_D61ABE08` (`name`,`vocabularyId`), KEY `IX_7BB1826B` (`parentCategoryId`), KEY `IX_9DDD15EA` (`parentCategoryId`,`name`), KEY `IX_B185E980` (`parentCategoryId`,`vocabularyId`), KEY `IX_4D37BB00` (`uuid_`), KEY `IX_287B1F89` (`vocabularyId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of AssetCategory -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for AssetCategoryProperty -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `AssetCategoryProperty`; CREATE TABLE `AssetCategoryProperty` ( `categoryPropertyId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `companyId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userName` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `createDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `modifiedDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `categoryId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `key_` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `value` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`categoryPropertyId`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_DBD111AA` (`categoryId`,`key_`), KEY `IX_99DA856` (`categoryId`), KEY `IX_8654719F` (`companyId`), KEY `IX_52340033` (`companyId`,`key_`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of AssetCategoryProperty -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for AssetEntries_AssetCategories -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `AssetEntries_AssetCategories`; CREATE TABLE `AssetEntries_AssetCategories` ( `entryId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `categoryId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`entryId`,`categoryId`), KEY `IX_A188F560` (`categoryId`), KEY `IX_E119938A` (`entryId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of AssetEntries_AssetCategories -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for AssetEntries_AssetTags -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `AssetEntries_AssetTags`; CREATE TABLE `AssetEntries_AssetTags` ( `entryId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `tagId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`entryId`,`tagId`), KEY `IX_2ED82CAD` (`entryId`), KEY `IX_B2A61B55` (`tagId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of AssetEntries_AssetTags -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for AssetEntry -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `AssetEntry`; CREATE TABLE `AssetEntry` ( `entryId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `groupId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `companyId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userName` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `createDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `modifiedDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `classNameId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `classPK` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `classUuid` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `visible` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, `startDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `endDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `publishDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `expirationDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `mimeType` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `title` longtext, `description` longtext, `summary` longtext, `url` longtext, `height` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `width` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `priority` double DEFAULT NULL, `viewCount` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`entryId`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_1E9D371D` (`classNameId`,`classPK`), KEY `IX_FC1F9C7B` (`classUuid`), KEY `IX_7306C60` (`companyId`), KEY `IX_1EBA6821` (`groupId`,`classUuid`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of AssetEntry -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `AssetEntry` VALUES ('10160', '10154', '10136', '10140', ' ', '2017-06-09 03:16:06', '2017-06-09 03:16:06', '10096', '10158', '9319dae2-01dd-4146-8480-6af228fd61ea', '0', null, null, null, null, 'text/html', '10157', '', '', '', '0', '0', '0', '0'); INSERT INTO `AssetEntry` VALUES ('10168', '10162', '10136', '10140', ' ', '2017-06-09 03:16:06', '2017-06-09 03:16:06', '10096', '10166', '2c04f5a7-5223-489e-ad19-1f44053c7052', '0', null, null, null, null, 'text/html', '10165', '', '', '', '0', '0', '0', '0'); INSERT INTO `AssetEntry` VALUES ('10183', '10174', '10136', '10178', 'Test Test', '2017-06-09 03:16:06', '2017-06-09 03:16:06', '10047', '10178', '9bd41473-6159-48dc-bf46-63c1948bb22d', '0', null, null, null, null, '', 'Test Test', '', '', '', '0', '0', '0', '0'); INSERT INTO `AssetEntry` VALUES ('10278', '10180', '10136', '10178', 'Test Test', '2017-06-09 03:16:23', '2017-06-09 03:16:23', '10096', '10276', '53d61a16-b622-4d55-af8c-dc5ff8fc0d2e', '0', null, null, null, null, 'text/html', '10275', '', '', '', '0', '0', '0', '0'); INSERT INTO `AssetEntry` VALUES ('10283', '10180', '10136', '10178', 'Test Test', '2017-06-09 03:16:23', '2017-06-09 03:16:23', '10096', '10281', '2fe32275-78eb-4db8-8016-70e97819b167', '0', null, null, null, null, 'text/html', '10280', '', '', '', '0', '0', '0', '0'); INSERT INTO `AssetEntry` VALUES ('10298', '10162', '10136', '10178', 'Test Test', '2017-06-09 03:18:52', '2017-06-09 03:18:52', '10087', '10296', '92810aa1-8fd7-486f-b4a9-e11d41610657', '1', null, null, '2017-06-09 03:18:00', null, 'text/html', 'Test', '', '', '', '0', '0', '0', '0'); INSERT INTO `AssetEntry` VALUES ('10301', '10162', '10136', '10178', 'Test Test', '2017-06-09 03:18:52', '2017-06-09 03:18:52', '10096', '10299', '518033c1-06af-49ca-b4c5-a8094be61dcb', '0', null, null, null, null, 'text/html', '10296', '', '', '', '0', '0', '0', '0'); -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for AssetLink -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `AssetLink`; CREATE TABLE `AssetLink` ( `linkId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `companyId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userName` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `createDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `entryId1` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `entryId2` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `type_` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `weight` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`linkId`), KEY `IX_128516C8` (`entryId1`), KEY `IX_56E0AB21` (`entryId1`,`entryId2`), KEY `IX_8F542794` (`entryId1`,`entryId2`,`type_`), KEY `IX_14D5A20D` (`entryId1`,`type_`), KEY `IX_12851A89` (`entryId2`), KEY `IX_91F132C` (`entryId2`,`type_`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of AssetLink -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for AssetTag -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `AssetTag`; CREATE TABLE `AssetTag` ( `tagId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `groupId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `companyId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userName` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `createDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `modifiedDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `name` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `assetCount` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`tagId`), KEY `IX_7C9E46BA` (`groupId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of AssetTag -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for AssetTagProperty -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `AssetTagProperty`; CREATE TABLE `AssetTagProperty` ( `tagPropertyId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `companyId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userName` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `createDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `modifiedDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `tagId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `key_` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `value` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`tagPropertyId`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_2C944354` (`tagId`,`key_`), KEY `IX_DFF1F063` (`companyId`), KEY `IX_13805BF7` (`companyId`,`key_`), KEY `IX_3269E180` (`tagId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of AssetTagProperty -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for AssetTagStats -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `AssetTagStats`; CREATE TABLE `AssetTagStats` ( `tagStatsId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `tagId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `classNameId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `assetCount` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`tagStatsId`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_56682CC4` (`tagId`,`classNameId`), KEY `IX_50702693` (`classNameId`), KEY `IX_9464CA` (`tagId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of AssetTagStats -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for AssetVocabulary -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `AssetVocabulary`; CREATE TABLE `AssetVocabulary` ( `uuid_` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `vocabularyId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `groupId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `companyId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userName` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `createDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `modifiedDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `name` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `title` longtext, `description` longtext, `settings_` longtext, PRIMARY KEY (`vocabularyId`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_C0AAD74D` (`groupId`,`name`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_1B2B8792` (`uuid_`,`groupId`), KEY `IX_B22D908C` (`companyId`), KEY `IX_B6B8CA0E` (`groupId`), KEY `IX_55F58818` (`uuid_`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of AssetVocabulary -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `AssetVocabulary` VALUES ('b75a0afa-a151-453d-a581-27048f752222', '10304', '10162', '10136', '10140', ' ', '2017-06-09 03:19:00', '2017-06-09 03:19:00', 'Topic', 'Topic', '', ''); INSERT INTO `AssetVocabulary` VALUES ('8c9155e0-1de7-4f0d-9d35-2ef926ca13b7', '10305', '10174', '10136', '10140', ' ', '2017-06-09 03:19:00', '2017-06-09 03:19:00', 'Topic', 'Topic', '', ''); -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for BlogsEntry -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `BlogsEntry`; CREATE TABLE `BlogsEntry` ( `uuid_` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `entryId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `groupId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `companyId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userName` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `createDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `modifiedDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `title` varchar(150) DEFAULT NULL, `urlTitle` varchar(150) DEFAULT NULL, `content` longtext, `displayDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `allowPingbacks` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, `allowTrackbacks` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, `trackbacks` longtext, `status` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `statusByUserId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `statusByUserName` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `statusDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`entryId`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_DB780A20` (`groupId`,`urlTitle`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_1B1040FD` (`uuid_`,`groupId`), KEY `IX_72EF6041` (`companyId`), KEY `IX_430D791F` (`companyId`,`displayDate`), KEY `IX_BB0C2905` (`companyId`,`displayDate`,`status`), KEY `IX_EB2DCE27` (`companyId`,`status`), KEY `IX_8CACE77B` (`companyId`,`userId`), KEY `IX_A5F57B61` (`companyId`,`userId`,`status`), KEY `IX_81A50303` (`groupId`), KEY `IX_621E19D` (`groupId`,`displayDate`), KEY `IX_F0E73383` (`groupId`,`displayDate`,`status`), KEY `IX_1EFD8EE9` (`groupId`,`status`), KEY `IX_FBDE0AA3` (`groupId`,`userId`,`displayDate`), KEY `IX_DA04F689` (`groupId`,`userId`,`displayDate`,`status`), KEY `IX_49E15A23` (`groupId`,`userId`,`status`), KEY `IX_69157A4D` (`uuid_`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of BlogsEntry -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for BlogsStatsUser -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `BlogsStatsUser`; CREATE TABLE `BlogsStatsUser` ( `statsUserId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `groupId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `companyId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `entryCount` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `lastPostDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `ratingsTotalEntries` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `ratingsTotalScore` double DEFAULT NULL, `ratingsAverageScore` double DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`statsUserId`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_82254C25` (`groupId`,`userId`), KEY `IX_90CDA39A` (`companyId`,`entryCount`), KEY `IX_43840EEB` (`groupId`), KEY `IX_28C78D5C` (`groupId`,`entryCount`), KEY `IX_BB51F1D9` (`userId`), KEY `IX_507BA031` (`userId`,`lastPostDate`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of BlogsStatsUser -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for BookmarksEntry -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `BookmarksEntry`; CREATE TABLE `BookmarksEntry` ( `uuid_` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `entryId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `groupId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `companyId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userName` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `createDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `modifiedDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `folderId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `url` longtext, `comments` longtext, `visits` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `priority` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`entryId`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_EAA02A91` (`uuid_`,`groupId`), KEY `IX_E52FF7EF` (`groupId`), KEY `IX_5200100C` (`groupId`,`folderId`), KEY `IX_E2E9F129` (`groupId`,`userId`), KEY `IX_B670BA39` (`uuid_`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of BookmarksEntry -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for BookmarksFolder -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `BookmarksFolder`; CREATE TABLE `BookmarksFolder` ( `uuid_` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `folderId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `groupId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `companyId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userName` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `createDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `modifiedDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `parentFolderId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `name` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `description` longtext, PRIMARY KEY (`folderId`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_DC2F8927` (`uuid_`,`groupId`), KEY `IX_2ABA25D7` (`companyId`), KEY `IX_7F703619` (`groupId`), KEY `IX_967799C0` (`groupId`,`parentFolderId`), KEY `IX_451E7AE3` (`uuid_`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of BookmarksFolder -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for BrowserTracker -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `BrowserTracker`; CREATE TABLE `BrowserTracker` ( `browserTrackerId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `userId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `browserKey` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`browserTrackerId`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_E7B95510` (`userId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of BrowserTracker -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for CalEvent -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `CalEvent`; CREATE TABLE `CalEvent` ( `uuid_` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `eventId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `groupId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `companyId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userName` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `createDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `modifiedDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `title` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `description` longtext, `startDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `endDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `durationHour` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `durationMinute` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `allDay` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, `timeZoneSensitive` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, `type_` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `repeating` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, `recurrence` longtext, `remindBy` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `firstReminder` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `secondReminder` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`eventId`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_5CCE79C8` (`uuid_`,`groupId`), KEY `IX_D6FD9496` (`companyId`), KEY `IX_12EE4898` (`groupId`), KEY `IX_4FDDD2BF` (`groupId`,`repeating`), KEY `IX_FCD7C63D` (`groupId`,`type_`), KEY `IX_F6006202` (`remindBy`), KEY `IX_C1AD2122` (`uuid_`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of CalEvent -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for ClassName_ -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ClassName_`; CREATE TABLE `ClassName_` ( `classNameId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `value` varchar(200) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`classNameId`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_B27A301F` (`value`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of ClassName_ -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `ClassName_` VALUES ('10001', 'com.liferay.counter.model.Counter'); INSERT INTO `ClassName_` VALUES ('10002', 'com.liferay.portal.kernel.workflow.WorkflowTask'); INSERT INTO `ClassName_` VALUES ('10003', 'com.liferay.portal.model.Account'); INSERT INTO `ClassName_` VALUES ('10004', 'com.liferay.portal.model.Address'); INSERT INTO `ClassName_` VALUES ('10005', 'com.liferay.portal.model.BrowserTracker'); INSERT INTO `ClassName_` VALUES ('10006', 'com.liferay.portal.model.ClassName'); INSERT INTO `ClassName_` VALUES ('10007', 'com.liferay.portal.model.ClusterGroup'); INSERT INTO `ClassName_` VALUES ('10008', 'com.liferay.portal.model.Company'); INSERT INTO `ClassName_` VALUES ('10009', 'com.liferay.portal.model.Contact'); INSERT INTO `ClassName_` VALUES ('10010', 'com.liferay.portal.model.Country'); INSERT INTO `ClassName_` VALUES ('10011', 'com.liferay.portal.model.EmailAddress'); INSERT INTO `ClassName_` VALUES ('10012', 'com.liferay.portal.model.Group'); INSERT INTO `ClassName_` VALUES ('10013', 'com.liferay.portal.model.Image'); INSERT INTO `ClassName_` VALUES ('10014', 'com.liferay.portal.model.Layout'); INSERT INTO `ClassName_` VALUES ('10015', 'com.liferay.portal.model.LayoutPrototype'); INSERT INTO `ClassName_` VALUES ('10016', 'com.liferay.portal.model.LayoutSet'); INSERT INTO `ClassName_` VALUES ('10017', 'com.liferay.portal.model.LayoutSetPrototype'); INSERT INTO `ClassName_` VALUES ('10018', 'com.liferay.portal.model.ListType'); INSERT INTO `ClassName_` VALUES ('10019', 'com.liferay.portal.model.Lock'); 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INSERT INTO `Country` VALUES ('52', 'Burkina Faso', 'BF', 'BFA', '854', '226', '1'); INSERT INTO `Country` VALUES ('53', 'Burma (Myanmar)', 'MM', 'MMR', '104', '095', '1'); INSERT INTO `Country` VALUES ('54', 'Burundi', 'BI', 'BDI', '108', '257', '1'); INSERT INTO `Country` VALUES ('55', 'Cambodia', 'KH', 'KHM', '116', '855', '1'); INSERT INTO `Country` VALUES ('56', 'Cameroon', 'CM', 'CMR', '120', '237', '1'); INSERT INTO `Country` VALUES ('57', 'Cape Verde Island', 'CV', 'CPV', '132', '238', '1'); INSERT INTO `Country` VALUES ('58', 'Cayman Islands', 'KY', 'CYM', '136', '345', '1'); INSERT INTO `Country` VALUES ('59', 'Central African Republic', 'CF', 'CAF', '140', '236', '1'); INSERT INTO `Country` VALUES ('60', 'Chad', 'TD', 'TCD', '148', '235', '1'); INSERT INTO `Country` VALUES ('61', 'Chile', 'CL', 'CHL', '152', '056', '1'); INSERT INTO `Country` VALUES ('62', 'Christmas Island', 'CX', 'CXR', '162', '061', '1'); INSERT INTO `Country` VALUES ('63', 'Cocos Islands', 'CC', 'CCK', '166', '061', '1'); 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-- ---------------------------- -- Records of JournalArticle -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `JournalArticle` VALUES ('92810aa1-8fd7-486f-b4a9-e11d41610657', '10295', '10296', '10162', '10136', '10178', 'Test Test', '2017-06-09 03:18:52', '2017-06-09 03:18:52', '10294', '1', 'Test', 'test', '', '\n Test

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-- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for Lock_ -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `Lock_`; CREATE TABLE `Lock_` ( `uuid_` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `lockId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `companyId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userName` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `createDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `className` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `key_` varchar(200) DEFAULT NULL, `owner` varchar(300) DEFAULT NULL, `inheritable` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, `expirationDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`lockId`), KEY `IX_228562AD` (`className`,`key_`), KEY `IX_E3F1286B` (`expirationDate`), KEY `IX_13C5CD3A` (`uuid_`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of Lock_ -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for MBBan -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `MBBan`; CREATE TABLE `MBBan` ( `banId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `groupId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `companyId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userName` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `createDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `modifiedDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `banUserId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`banId`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_8ABC4E3B` (`groupId`,`banUserId`), KEY `IX_69951A25` (`banUserId`), KEY `IX_5C3FF12A` (`groupId`), KEY `IX_48814BBA` (`userId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of MBBan -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for MBCategory -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `MBCategory`; CREATE TABLE `MBCategory` ( `uuid_` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `categoryId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `groupId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `companyId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userName` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `createDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `modifiedDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `parentCategoryId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `name` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `description` longtext, `threadCount` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `messageCount` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `lastPostDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`categoryId`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_F7D28C2F` (`uuid_`,`groupId`), KEY `IX_BC735DCF` (`companyId`), KEY `IX_BB870C11` (`groupId`), KEY `IX_ED292508` (`groupId`,`parentCategoryId`), KEY `IX_C2626EDB` (`uuid_`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of MBCategory -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for MBDiscussion -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `MBDiscussion`; CREATE TABLE `MBDiscussion` ( `discussionId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `classNameId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `classPK` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `threadId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`discussionId`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_33A4DE38` (`classNameId`,`classPK`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_B5CA2DC` (`threadId`), KEY `IX_79D0120B` (`classNameId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of MBDiscussion -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `MBDiscussion` VALUES ('10161', '10014', '10157', '10159'); INSERT INTO `MBDiscussion` VALUES ('10169', '10014', '10165', '10167'); INSERT INTO `MBDiscussion` VALUES ('10279', '10014', '10275', '10277'); INSERT INTO `MBDiscussion` VALUES ('10284', '10014', '10280', '10282'); INSERT INTO `MBDiscussion` VALUES ('10302', '10087', '10296', '10300'); -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for MBMailingList -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `MBMailingList`; CREATE TABLE `MBMailingList` ( `uuid_` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `mailingListId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `groupId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `companyId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userName` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `createDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `modifiedDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `categoryId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `emailAddress` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `inProtocol` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `inServerName` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `inServerPort` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `inUseSSL` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, `inUserName` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `inPassword` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `inReadInterval` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `outEmailAddress` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `outCustom` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, `outServerName` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `outServerPort` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `outUseSSL` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, `outUserName` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `outPassword` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `allowAnonymous` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, `active_` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`mailingListId`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_76CE9CDD` (`groupId`,`categoryId`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_E858F170` (`uuid_`,`groupId`), KEY `IX_BFEB984F` (`active_`), KEY `IX_4115EC7A` (`uuid_`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of MBMailingList -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for MBMessage -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `MBMessage`; CREATE TABLE `MBMessage` ( `uuid_` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `messageId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `groupId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `companyId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userName` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `createDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `modifiedDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `classNameId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `classPK` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `categoryId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `threadId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `rootMessageId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `parentMessageId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `subject` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `body` longtext, `attachments` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, `anonymous` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, `priority` double DEFAULT NULL, `allowPingbacks` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, `status` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `statusByUserId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `statusByUserName` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `statusDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`messageId`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_8D12316E` (`uuid_`,`groupId`), KEY `IX_51A8D44D` (`classNameId`,`classPK`), KEY `IX_F6687633` (`classNameId`,`classPK`,`status`), KEY `IX_B1432D30` (`companyId`), KEY `IX_1AD93C16` (`companyId`,`status`), KEY `IX_5B153FB2` (`groupId`), KEY `IX_1073AB9F` (`groupId`,`categoryId`), KEY `IX_4257DB85` (`groupId`,`categoryId`,`status`), KEY `IX_B674AB58` (`groupId`,`categoryId`,`threadId`), KEY `IX_385E123E` (`groupId`,`categoryId`,`threadId`,`status`), KEY `IX_ED39AC98` (`groupId`,`status`), KEY `IX_8EB8C5EC` (`groupId`,`userId`), KEY `IX_377858D2` (`groupId`,`userId`,`status`), KEY `IX_75B95071` (`threadId`), KEY `IX_A7038CD7` (`threadId`,`parentMessageId`), KEY `IX_9DC8E57` (`threadId`,`status`), KEY `IX_7A040C32` (`userId`), KEY `IX_C57B16BC` (`uuid_`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of MBMessage -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `MBMessage` VALUES ('9319dae2-01dd-4146-8480-6af228fd61ea', '10158', '10154', '10136', '10140', ' ', '2017-06-09 03:16:06', '2017-06-09 03:16:06', '10014', '10157', '-1', '10159', '10158', '0', '10157', '10157', '0', '1', '0', '0', '0', '10140', ' ', '2017-06-09 03:16:06'); INSERT INTO `MBMessage` VALUES ('2c04f5a7-5223-489e-ad19-1f44053c7052', '10166', '10162', '10136', '10140', ' ', '2017-06-09 03:16:06', '2017-06-09 03:16:06', '10014', '10165', '-1', '10167', '10166', '0', '10165', '10165', '0', '1', '0', '0', '0', '10140', ' ', '2017-06-09 03:16:06'); INSERT INTO `MBMessage` VALUES ('53d61a16-b622-4d55-af8c-dc5ff8fc0d2e', '10276', '10180', '10136', '10178', 'Test Test', '2017-06-09 03:16:23', '2017-06-09 03:16:23', '10014', '10275', '-1', '10277', '10276', '0', '10275', '10275', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '10178', 'Test Test', '2017-06-09 03:16:23'); INSERT INTO `MBMessage` VALUES ('2fe32275-78eb-4db8-8016-70e97819b167', '10281', '10180', '10136', '10178', 'Test Test', '2017-06-09 03:16:23', '2017-06-09 03:16:23', '10014', '10280', '-1', '10282', '10281', '0', '10280', '10280', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '10178', 'Test Test', '2017-06-09 03:16:23'); INSERT INTO `MBMessage` VALUES ('518033c1-06af-49ca-b4c5-a8094be61dcb', '10299', '10162', '10136', '10178', 'Test Test', '2017-06-09 03:18:52', '2017-06-09 03:18:52', '10087', '10296', '-1', '10300', '10299', '0', '10296', '10296', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '10178', 'Test Test', '2017-06-09 03:18:52'); -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for MBMessageFlag -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `MBMessageFlag`; CREATE TABLE `MBMessageFlag` ( `messageFlagId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `userId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `modifiedDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `threadId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `messageId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `flag` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`messageFlagId`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_E9EB6194` (`userId`,`messageId`,`flag`), KEY `IX_D180D4AE` (`messageId`), KEY `IX_A6973A8E` (`messageId`,`flag`), KEY `IX_C1C9A8FD` (`threadId`), KEY `IX_3CFD579D` (`threadId`,`flag`), KEY `IX_7B2917BE` (`userId`), KEY `IX_2EA537D7` (`userId`,`threadId`,`flag`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of MBMessageFlag -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for MBStatsUser -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `MBStatsUser`; CREATE TABLE `MBStatsUser` ( `statsUserId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `groupId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `messageCount` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `lastPostDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`statsUserId`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_9168E2C9` (`groupId`,`userId`), KEY `IX_A00A898F` (`groupId`), KEY `IX_FAB5A88B` (`groupId`,`messageCount`), KEY `IX_847F92B5` (`userId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of MBStatsUser -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for MBThread -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `MBThread`; CREATE TABLE `MBThread` ( `threadId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `groupId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `companyId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `categoryId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `rootMessageId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `rootMessageUserId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `messageCount` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `viewCount` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `lastPostByUserId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `lastPostDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `priority` double DEFAULT NULL, `status` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `statusByUserId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `statusByUserName` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `statusDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`threadId`), KEY `IX_41F6DC8A` (`categoryId`,`priority`), KEY `IX_95C0EA45` (`groupId`), KEY `IX_9A2D11B2` (`groupId`,`categoryId`), KEY `IX_50F1904A` (`groupId`,`categoryId`,`lastPostDate`), KEY `IX_485F7E98` (`groupId`,`categoryId`,`status`), KEY `IX_E1E7142B` (`groupId`,`status`), KEY `IX_AEDD9CB5` (`lastPostDate`,`priority`), KEY `IX_CC993ECB` (`rootMessageId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of MBThread -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `MBThread` VALUES ('10159', '10154', '10136', '-1', '10158', '10140', '1', '0', '0', '2017-06-09 03:16:06', '0', '0', '10140', ' ', '2017-06-09 03:16:06'); INSERT INTO `MBThread` VALUES ('10167', '10162', '10136', '-1', '10166', '10140', '1', '0', '0', '2017-06-09 03:16:06', '0', '0', '10140', ' ', '2017-06-09 03:16:06'); INSERT INTO `MBThread` VALUES ('10277', '10180', '10136', '-1', '10276', '10178', '1', '0', '10178', '2017-06-09 03:16:23', '0', '0', '10178', 'Test Test', '2017-06-09 03:16:23'); INSERT INTO `MBThread` VALUES ('10282', '10180', '10136', '-1', '10281', '10178', '1', '0', '10178', '2017-06-09 03:16:23', '0', '0', '10178', 'Test Test', '2017-06-09 03:16:23'); INSERT INTO `MBThread` VALUES ('10300', '10162', '10136', '-1', '10299', '10178', '1', '0', '10178', '2017-06-09 03:18:52', '0', '0', '10178', 'Test Test', '2017-06-09 03:18:52'); -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for MembershipRequest -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `MembershipRequest`; CREATE TABLE `MembershipRequest` ( `membershipRequestId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `groupId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `companyId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `createDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `comments` longtext, `replyComments` longtext, `replyDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `replierUserId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `statusId` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`membershipRequestId`), KEY `IX_8A1CC4B` (`groupId`), KEY `IX_C28C72EC` (`groupId`,`statusId`), KEY `IX_35AA8FA6` (`groupId`,`userId`,`statusId`), KEY `IX_66D70879` (`userId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of MembershipRequest -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for Organization_ -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `Organization_`; CREATE TABLE `Organization_` ( `organizationId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `companyId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `parentOrganizationId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `leftOrganizationId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `rightOrganizationId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `name` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, `type_` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `recursable` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, `regionId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `countryId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `statusId` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `comments` longtext, PRIMARY KEY (`organizationId`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_E301BDF5` (`companyId`,`name`), KEY `IX_834BCEB6` (`companyId`), KEY `IX_418E4522` (`companyId`,`parentOrganizationId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of Organization_ -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for OrgGroupPermission -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `OrgGroupPermission`; CREATE TABLE `OrgGroupPermission` ( `organizationId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `groupId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `permissionId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`organizationId`,`groupId`,`permissionId`), KEY `IX_A425F71A` (`groupId`), KEY `IX_6C53DA4E` (`permissionId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of OrgGroupPermission -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for OrgGroupRole -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `OrgGroupRole`; CREATE TABLE `OrgGroupRole` ( `organizationId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `groupId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `roleId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`organizationId`,`groupId`,`roleId`), KEY `IX_4A527DD3` (`groupId`), KEY `IX_AB044D1C` (`roleId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of OrgGroupRole -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for OrgLabor -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `OrgLabor`; CREATE TABLE `OrgLabor` ( `orgLaborId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `organizationId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `typeId` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `sunOpen` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `sunClose` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `monOpen` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `monClose` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `tueOpen` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `tueClose` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `wedOpen` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `wedClose` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `thuOpen` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `thuClose` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `friOpen` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `friClose` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `satOpen` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `satClose` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`orgLaborId`), KEY `IX_6AF0D434` (`organizationId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of OrgLabor -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for PasswordPolicy -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `PasswordPolicy`; CREATE TABLE `PasswordPolicy` ( `passwordPolicyId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `companyId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userName` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `createDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `modifiedDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `defaultPolicy` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, `name` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `description` longtext, `changeable` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, `changeRequired` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, `minAge` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `checkSyntax` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, `allowDictionaryWords` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, `minAlphanumeric` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `minLength` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `minLowerCase` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `minNumbers` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `minSymbols` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `minUpperCase` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `history` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, `historyCount` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `expireable` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, `maxAge` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `warningTime` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `graceLimit` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `lockout` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, `maxFailure` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `lockoutDuration` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `requireUnlock` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, `resetFailureCount` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `resetTicketMaxAge` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`passwordPolicyId`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_3FBFA9F4` (`companyId`,`name`), KEY `IX_2C1142E` (`companyId`,`defaultPolicy`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of PasswordPolicy -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `PasswordPolicy` VALUES ('10177', '10136', '10140', ' ', '2017-06-09 03:16:06', '2017-06-09 03:16:06', '1', 'Default Password Policy', 'Default Password Policy', '1', '0', '0', '0', '1', '0', '6', '0', '1', '0', '1', '0', '6', '0', '8640000', '86400', '0', '0', '3', '0', '1', '600', '86400'); -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for PasswordPolicyRel -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `PasswordPolicyRel`; CREATE TABLE `PasswordPolicyRel` ( `passwordPolicyRelId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `passwordPolicyId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `classNameId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `classPK` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`passwordPolicyRelId`), KEY `IX_C3A17327` (`classNameId`,`classPK`), KEY `IX_CD25266E` (`passwordPolicyId`), KEY `IX_ED7CF243` (`passwordPolicyId`,`classNameId`,`classPK`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of PasswordPolicyRel -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for PasswordTracker -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `PasswordTracker`; CREATE TABLE `PasswordTracker` ( `passwordTrackerId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `userId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `createDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `password_` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`passwordTrackerId`), KEY `IX_326F75BD` (`userId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of PasswordTracker -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for Permission_ -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `Permission_`; CREATE TABLE `Permission_` ( `permissionId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `companyId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `actionId` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `resourceId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`permissionId`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_4D19C2B8` (`actionId`,`resourceId`), KEY `IX_F090C113` (`resourceId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of Permission_ -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for Phone -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `Phone`; CREATE TABLE `Phone` ( `phoneId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `companyId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userName` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `createDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `modifiedDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `classNameId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `classPK` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `number_` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `extension` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `typeId` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `primary_` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`phoneId`), KEY `IX_9F704A14` (`companyId`), KEY `IX_A2E4AFBA` (`companyId`,`classNameId`), KEY `IX_9A53569` (`companyId`,`classNameId`,`classPK`), KEY `IX_812CE07A` (`companyId`,`classNameId`,`classPK`,`primary_`), KEY `IX_F202B9CE` (`userId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of Phone -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for PluginSetting -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `PluginSetting`; CREATE TABLE `PluginSetting` ( `pluginSettingId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `companyId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `pluginId` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `pluginType` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `roles` longtext, `active_` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`pluginSettingId`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_7171B2E8` (`companyId`,`pluginId`,`pluginType`), KEY `IX_B9746445` (`companyId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of PluginSetting -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for PollsChoice -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `PollsChoice`; CREATE TABLE `PollsChoice` ( `uuid_` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `choiceId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `questionId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `name` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `description` longtext, PRIMARY KEY (`choiceId`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_D76DD2CF` (`questionId`,`name`), KEY `IX_EC370F10` (`questionId`), KEY `IX_6660B399` (`uuid_`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of PollsChoice -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for PollsQuestion -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `PollsQuestion`; CREATE TABLE `PollsQuestion` ( `uuid_` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `questionId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `groupId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `companyId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userName` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `createDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `modifiedDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `title` longtext, `description` longtext, `expirationDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `lastVoteDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`questionId`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_F3C9F36` (`uuid_`,`groupId`), KEY `IX_9FF342EA` (`groupId`), KEY `IX_51F087F4` (`uuid_`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of PollsQuestion -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for PollsVote -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `PollsVote`; CREATE TABLE `PollsVote` ( `voteId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `userId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `questionId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `choiceId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `voteDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`voteId`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_1BBFD4D3` (`questionId`,`userId`), KEY `IX_D5DF7B54` (`choiceId`), KEY `IX_12112599` (`questionId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of PollsVote -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for PortalPreferences -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `PortalPreferences`; CREATE TABLE `PortalPreferences` ( `portalPreferencesId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `ownerId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `ownerType` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `preferences` longtext, PRIMARY KEY (`portalPreferencesId`), KEY `IX_D1F795F1` (`ownerId`,`ownerType`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of PortalPreferences -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `PortalPreferences` VALUES ('10135', '0', '1', ''); INSERT INTO `PortalPreferences` VALUES ('10142', '10136', '1', ''); INSERT INTO `PortalPreferences` VALUES ('10270', '10140', '4', ''); INSERT INTO `PortalPreferences` VALUES ('10271', '10140', '4', ''); INSERT INTO `PortalPreferences` VALUES ('10285', '10178', '4', 'com.liferay.portal.util.SessionClicks#show-portlet-description-15false'); -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for Portlet -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `Portlet`; CREATE TABLE `Portlet` ( `id_` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `companyId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `portletId` varchar(200) DEFAULT NULL, `roles` longtext, `active_` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id_`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_12B5E51D` (`companyId`,`portletId`), KEY `IX_80CC9508` (`companyId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of Portlet -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10184', '10136', '98', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10185', '10136', '66', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10186', '10136', '27', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10187', '10136', '152', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10188', '10136', '134', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10189', '10136', '130', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10190', '10136', '122', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10191', '10136', '36', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10192', '10136', '26', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10193', '10136', '104', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10194', '10136', '153', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10195', '10136', '64', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10196', '10136', '129', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10197', '10136', '100', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10198', '10136', '19', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10199', '10136', '157', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10200', '10136', '128', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10201', '10136', '154', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10202', '10136', '148', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10203', '10136', '11', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10204', '10136', '29', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10205', '10136', '158', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10206', '10136', '8', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10207', '10136', '58', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10208', '10136', '155', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10209', '10136', '71', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10210', '10136', '97', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10211', '10136', '39', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10212', '10136', '85', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10213', '10136', '118', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10214', '10136', '79', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10215', '10136', '107', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10216', '10136', '30', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10217', '10136', '147', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10218', '10136', '48', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10219', '10136', '125', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10220', '10136', '146', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10221', '10136', '62', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10222', '10136', '159', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10223', '10136', '108', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10224', '10136', '84', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10225', '10136', '101', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10226', '10136', '121', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10227', '10136', '37', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10228', '10136', '143', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10229', '10136', '77', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10230', '10136', '115', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10231', '10136', '56', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10232', '10136', '16', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10233', '10136', '111', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10234', '10136', '3', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10235', '10136', '23', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10236', '10136', '20', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10237', '10136', '83', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10238', '10136', '99', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10239', '10136', '70', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10240', '10136', '141', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10241', '10136', '9', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10242', '10136', '28', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10243', '10136', '137', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10244', '10136', '47', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10245', '10136', '15', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10246', '10136', '116', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10247', '10136', '82', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10248', '10136', '151', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10249', '10136', '54', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10250', '10136', '132', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10251', '10136', '34', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10252', '10136', '61', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10253', '10136', '73', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10254', '10136', '31', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10255', '10136', '136', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10256', '10136', '50', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10257', '10136', '127', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10258', '10136', '25', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10259', '10136', '33', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10260', '10136', '150', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10261', '10136', '126', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10262', '10136', '114', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10263', '10136', '149', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10264', '10136', '67', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10265', '10136', '110', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10266', '10136', '59', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10267', '10136', '135', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10268', '10136', '131', '', '1'); INSERT INTO `Portlet` VALUES ('10269', '10136', '102', '', '1'); -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for PortletItem -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `PortletItem`; CREATE TABLE `PortletItem` ( `portletItemId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `groupId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `companyId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userName` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `createDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `modifiedDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `name` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `portletId` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `classNameId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`portletItemId`), KEY `IX_96BDD537` (`groupId`,`classNameId`), KEY `IX_D699243F` (`groupId`,`name`,`portletId`,`classNameId`), KEY `IX_2C61314E` (`groupId`,`portletId`), KEY `IX_E922D6C0` (`groupId`,`portletId`,`classNameId`), KEY `IX_8E71167F` (`groupId`,`portletId`,`classNameId`,`name`), KEY `IX_33B8CE8D` (`groupId`,`portletId`,`name`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of PortletItem -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for PortletPreferences -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `PortletPreferences`; CREATE TABLE `PortletPreferences` ( `portletPreferencesId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `ownerId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `ownerType` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `plid` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `portletId` varchar(200) DEFAULT NULL, `preferences` longtext, PRIMARY KEY (`portletPreferencesId`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_C7057FF7` (`ownerId`,`ownerType`,`plid`,`portletId`), KEY `IX_E4F13E6E` (`ownerId`,`ownerType`,`plid`), KEY `IX_F15C1C4F` (`plid`), KEY `IX_D340DB76` (`plid`,`portletId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of PortletPreferences -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `PortletPreferences` VALUES ('10272', '0', '3', '10165', '103', ''); INSERT INTO `PortletPreferences` VALUES ('10273', '0', '3', '10165', '47', ''); INSERT INTO `PortletPreferences` VALUES ('10274', '0', '3', '10165', '58', ''); INSERT INTO `PortletPreferences` VALUES ('10286', '0', '3', '10165', '145', ''); INSERT INTO `PortletPreferences` VALUES ('10287', '0', '3', '10165', 'terms-of-use', ''); INSERT INTO `PortletPreferences` VALUES ('10288', '0', '3', '10165', 'password-reminder', ''); INSERT INTO `PortletPreferences` VALUES ('10289', '0', '3', '10165', '101_INSTANCE_3cdU', 'rss-display-styleshow-available-localesfalserss-formatmetadata-fieldsasset-link-behaviorshowFullContentclass-name-ids100711009610098100861008710075100731007610133enable-comment-ratingsfalseextensionsfalsefalsefalsefalsefalsefalsedefault-scopetrueenable-commentstrueenable-printfalseselection-stylemanualscope-idsGroup_10162display-styletitle-listrss-nameenable-tag-based-navigationfalseenable-flagsfalseenable-rssfalseabstract-length200show-query-logicfalseshow-asset-titletrueenable-ratingsfalserss-delta0show-context-linktrueany-asset-typetrue'); INSERT INTO `PortletPreferences` VALUES ('10290', '10162', '2', '0', '15', ''); INSERT INTO `PortletPreferences` VALUES ('10291', '0', '3', '10157', '160', ''); INSERT INTO `PortletPreferences` VALUES ('10292', '0', '3', '10157', '15', ''); INSERT INTO `PortletPreferences` VALUES ('10293', '0', '3', '10157', '145', ''); INSERT INTO `PortletPreferences` VALUES ('10303', '0', '3', '10165', '86', ''); INSERT INTO `PortletPreferences` VALUES ('10306', '0', '3', '10165', '101_INSTANCE_R9wk', ''); -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for QUARTZ_BLOB_TRIGGERS -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `QUARTZ_BLOB_TRIGGERS`; CREATE TABLE `QUARTZ_BLOB_TRIGGERS` ( `TRIGGER_NAME` varchar(80) NOT NULL, `TRIGGER_GROUP` varchar(80) NOT NULL, `BLOB_DATA` longblob, PRIMARY KEY (`TRIGGER_NAME`,`TRIGGER_GROUP`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of QUARTZ_BLOB_TRIGGERS -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for QUARTZ_CALENDARS -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `QUARTZ_CALENDARS`; CREATE TABLE `QUARTZ_CALENDARS` ( `CALENDAR_NAME` varchar(80) NOT NULL, `CALENDAR` longblob NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`CALENDAR_NAME`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of QUARTZ_CALENDARS -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for QUARTZ_CRON_TRIGGERS -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `QUARTZ_CRON_TRIGGERS`; CREATE TABLE `QUARTZ_CRON_TRIGGERS` ( `TRIGGER_NAME` varchar(80) NOT NULL, `TRIGGER_GROUP` varchar(80) NOT NULL, `CRON_EXPRESSION` varchar(80) NOT NULL, `TIME_ZONE_ID` varchar(80) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`TRIGGER_NAME`,`TRIGGER_GROUP`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of QUARTZ_CRON_TRIGGERS -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for QUARTZ_FIRED_TRIGGERS -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `QUARTZ_FIRED_TRIGGERS`; CREATE TABLE `QUARTZ_FIRED_TRIGGERS` ( `ENTRY_ID` varchar(95) NOT NULL, `TRIGGER_NAME` varchar(80) NOT NULL, `TRIGGER_GROUP` varchar(80) NOT NULL, `IS_VOLATILE` tinyint(4) NOT NULL, `INSTANCE_NAME` varchar(80) NOT NULL, `FIRED_TIME` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `PRIORITY` int(11) NOT NULL, `STATE` varchar(16) NOT NULL, `JOB_NAME` varchar(80) DEFAULT NULL, `JOB_GROUP` varchar(80) DEFAULT NULL, `IS_STATEFUL` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, `REQUESTS_RECOVERY` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`ENTRY_ID`), KEY `IX_804154AF` (`INSTANCE_NAME`), KEY `IX_BAB9A1F7` (`JOB_GROUP`), KEY `IX_ADEE6A17` (`JOB_NAME`), KEY `IX_64B194F2` (`TRIGGER_GROUP`), KEY `IX_5FEABBC` (`TRIGGER_NAME`), KEY `IX_20D8706C` (`TRIGGER_NAME`,`TRIGGER_GROUP`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of QUARTZ_FIRED_TRIGGERS -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for QUARTZ_JOB_DETAILS -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `QUARTZ_JOB_DETAILS`; CREATE TABLE `QUARTZ_JOB_DETAILS` ( `JOB_NAME` varchar(80) NOT NULL, `JOB_GROUP` varchar(80) NOT NULL, `DESCRIPTION` varchar(120) DEFAULT NULL, `JOB_CLASS_NAME` varchar(128) NOT NULL, `IS_DURABLE` tinyint(4) NOT NULL, `IS_VOLATILE` tinyint(4) NOT NULL, `IS_STATEFUL` tinyint(4) NOT NULL, `REQUESTS_RECOVERY` tinyint(4) NOT NULL, `JOB_DATA` longblob, PRIMARY KEY (`JOB_NAME`,`JOB_GROUP`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of QUARTZ_JOB_DETAILS -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for QUARTZ_JOB_LISTENERS -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `QUARTZ_JOB_LISTENERS`; CREATE TABLE `QUARTZ_JOB_LISTENERS` ( `JOB_NAME` varchar(80) NOT NULL, `JOB_GROUP` varchar(80) NOT NULL, `JOB_LISTENER` varchar(80) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`JOB_NAME`,`JOB_GROUP`,`JOB_LISTENER`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of QUARTZ_JOB_LISTENERS -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for QUARTZ_LOCKS -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `QUARTZ_LOCKS`; CREATE TABLE `QUARTZ_LOCKS` ( `LOCK_NAME` varchar(40) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`LOCK_NAME`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of QUARTZ_LOCKS -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `QUARTZ_LOCKS` VALUES ('CALENDAR_ACCESS'); INSERT INTO `QUARTZ_LOCKS` VALUES ('JOB_ACCESS'); INSERT INTO `QUARTZ_LOCKS` VALUES ('MISFIRE_ACCESS'); INSERT INTO `QUARTZ_LOCKS` VALUES ('STATE_ACCESS'); INSERT INTO `QUARTZ_LOCKS` VALUES ('TRIGGER_ACCESS'); -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for QUARTZ_PAUSED_TRIGGER_GRPS -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `QUARTZ_PAUSED_TRIGGER_GRPS`; CREATE TABLE `QUARTZ_PAUSED_TRIGGER_GRPS` ( `TRIGGER_GROUP` varchar(80) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`TRIGGER_GROUP`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of QUARTZ_PAUSED_TRIGGER_GRPS -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for QUARTZ_SCHEDULER_STATE -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `QUARTZ_SCHEDULER_STATE`; CREATE TABLE `QUARTZ_SCHEDULER_STATE` ( `INSTANCE_NAME` varchar(80) NOT NULL, `LAST_CHECKIN_TIME` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `CHECKIN_INTERVAL` bigint(20) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`INSTANCE_NAME`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of QUARTZ_SCHEDULER_STATE -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for QUARTZ_SIMPLE_TRIGGERS -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `QUARTZ_SIMPLE_TRIGGERS`; CREATE TABLE `QUARTZ_SIMPLE_TRIGGERS` ( `TRIGGER_NAME` varchar(80) NOT NULL, `TRIGGER_GROUP` varchar(80) NOT NULL, `REPEAT_COUNT` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `REPEAT_INTERVAL` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `TIMES_TRIGGERED` bigint(20) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`TRIGGER_NAME`,`TRIGGER_GROUP`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of QUARTZ_SIMPLE_TRIGGERS -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for QUARTZ_TRIGGER_LISTENERS -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `QUARTZ_TRIGGER_LISTENERS`; CREATE TABLE `QUARTZ_TRIGGER_LISTENERS` ( `TRIGGER_NAME` varchar(80) NOT NULL, `TRIGGER_GROUP` varchar(80) NOT NULL, `TRIGGER_LISTENER` varchar(80) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`TRIGGER_NAME`,`TRIGGER_GROUP`,`TRIGGER_LISTENER`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of QUARTZ_TRIGGER_LISTENERS -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for QUARTZ_TRIGGERS -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `QUARTZ_TRIGGERS`; CREATE TABLE `QUARTZ_TRIGGERS` ( `TRIGGER_NAME` varchar(80) NOT NULL, `TRIGGER_GROUP` varchar(80) NOT NULL, `JOB_NAME` varchar(80) NOT NULL, `JOB_GROUP` varchar(80) NOT NULL, `IS_VOLATILE` tinyint(4) NOT NULL, `DESCRIPTION` varchar(120) DEFAULT NULL, `NEXT_FIRE_TIME` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `PREV_FIRE_TIME` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `PRIORITY` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `TRIGGER_STATE` varchar(16) NOT NULL, `TRIGGER_TYPE` varchar(8) NOT NULL, `START_TIME` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `END_TIME` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `CALENDAR_NAME` varchar(80) DEFAULT NULL, `MISFIRE_INSTR` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `JOB_DATA` longblob, PRIMARY KEY (`TRIGGER_NAME`,`TRIGGER_GROUP`), KEY `IX_F7655CC3` (`NEXT_FIRE_TIME`), KEY `IX_9955EFB5` (`TRIGGER_STATE`), KEY `IX_8040C593` (`TRIGGER_STATE`,`NEXT_FIRE_TIME`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of QUARTZ_TRIGGERS -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for RatingsEntry -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `RatingsEntry`; CREATE TABLE `RatingsEntry` ( `entryId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `companyId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userName` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `createDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `modifiedDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `classNameId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `classPK` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `score` double DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`entryId`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_B47E3C11` (`userId`,`classNameId`,`classPK`), KEY `IX_16184D57` (`classNameId`,`classPK`), KEY `IX_A1A8CB8B` (`classNameId`,`classPK`,`score`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of RatingsEntry -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for RatingsStats -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `RatingsStats`; CREATE TABLE `RatingsStats` ( `statsId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `classNameId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `classPK` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `totalEntries` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `totalScore` double DEFAULT NULL, `averageScore` double DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`statsId`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_A6E99284` (`classNameId`,`classPK`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of RatingsStats -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for Region -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `Region`; CREATE TABLE `Region` ( `regionId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `countryId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `regionCode` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `name` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `active_` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`regionId`), KEY `IX_2D9A426F` (`active_`), KEY `IX_16D87CA7` (`countryId`), KEY `IX_11FB3E42` (`countryId`,`active_`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of Region -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `Region` VALUES ('1001', '1', 'AB', 'Alberta', '1'); INSERT INTO `Region` VALUES ('1002', '1', 'BC', 'British Columbia', '1'); INSERT INTO `Region` VALUES ('1003', '1', 'MB', 'Manitoba', '1'); INSERT INTO `Region` VALUES ('1004', '1', 'NB', 'New Brunswick', '1'); INSERT INTO `Region` VALUES ('1005', '1', 'NL', 'Newfoundland and Labrador', '1'); INSERT INTO `Region` VALUES ('1006', '1', 'NT', 'Northwest Territories', '1'); INSERT INTO `Region` VALUES ('1007', '1', 'NS', 'Nova Scotia', '1'); INSERT INTO `Region` VALUES ('1008', '1', 'NU', 'Nunavut', '1'); INSERT INTO `Region` VALUES ('1009', '1', 'ON', 'Ontario', '1'); INSERT INTO `Region` VALUES ('1010', '1', 'PE', 'Prince Edward Island', '1'); INSERT INTO `Region` VALUES ('1011', '1', 'QC', 'Quebec', '1'); INSERT INTO `Region` VALUES ('1012', '1', 'SK', 'Saskatchewan', '1'); INSERT INTO `Region` VALUES ('1013', '1', 'YT', 'Yukon', '1'); INSERT INTO `Region` VALUES ('2001', '2', 'CN-34', 'Anhui', '1'); INSERT INTO `Region` VALUES ('2002', '2', 'CN-92', 'Aomen', '1'); INSERT INTO `Region` VALUES ('2003', '2', 'CN-11', 'Beijing', '1'); INSERT INTO `Region` VALUES ('2004', '2', 'CN-50', 'Chongqing', '1'); INSERT INTO `Region` VALUES ('2005', '2', 'CN-35', 'Fujian', '1'); INSERT INTO `Region` VALUES ('2006', '2', 'CN-62', 'Gansu', '1'); INSERT INTO `Region` VALUES ('2007', '2', 'CN-44', 'Guangdong', '1'); INSERT INTO `Region` VALUES ('2008', '2', 'CN-45', 'Guangxi', '1'); INSERT INTO `Region` VALUES ('2009', '2', 'CN-52', 'Guizhou', '1'); INSERT INTO `Region` VALUES ('2010', '2', 'CN-46', 'Hainan', '1'); INSERT INTO `Region` VALUES ('2011', '2', 'CN-13', 'Hebei', '1'); INSERT INTO `Region` VALUES ('2012', '2', 'CN-23', 'Heilongjiang', '1'); INSERT INTO `Region` VALUES ('2013', '2', 'CN-41', 'Henan', '1'); INSERT INTO `Region` VALUES ('2014', '2', 'CN-42', 'Hubei', '1'); INSERT INTO `Region` VALUES ('2015', '2', 'CN-43', 'Hunan', '1'); INSERT INTO `Region` VALUES ('2016', '2', 'CN-32', 'Jiangsu', '1'); INSERT INTO `Region` VALUES ('2017', '2', 'CN-36', 'Jiangxi', '1'); INSERT INTO `Region` VALUES ('2018', '2', 'CN-22', 'Jilin', '1'); INSERT INTO `Region` VALUES ('2019', '2', 'CN-21', 'Liaoning', '1'); INSERT INTO `Region` VALUES ('2020', '2', 'CN-15', 'Nei Mongol', '1'); INSERT INTO `Region` VALUES ('2021', '2', 'CN-64', 'Ningxia', '1'); INSERT INTO `Region` VALUES ('2022', '2', 'CN-63', 'Qinghai', '1'); INSERT INTO `Region` VALUES ('2023', '2', 'CN-61', 'Shaanxi', '1'); INSERT INTO `Region` VALUES ('2024', '2', 'CN-37', 'Shandong', '1'); INSERT INTO `Region` VALUES ('2025', '2', 'CN-31', 'Shanghai', '1'); INSERT INTO `Region` VALUES ('2026', '2', 'CN-14', 'Shanxi', '1'); INSERT INTO `Region` VALUES ('2027', '2', 'CN-51', 'Sichuan', '1'); INSERT INTO `Region` VALUES ('2028', '2', 'CN-71', 'Taiwan', '1'); INSERT INTO `Region` VALUES ('2029', '2', 'CN-12', 'Tianjin', '1'); INSERT INTO `Region` VALUES ('2030', '2', 'CN-91', 'Xianggang', '1'); INSERT INTO `Region` VALUES ('2031', '2', 'CN-65', 'Xinjiang', '1'); INSERT INTO `Region` VALUES ('2032', '2', 'CN-54', 'Xizang', '1'); INSERT INTO `Region` VALUES ('2033', '2', 'CN-53', 'Yunnan', '1'); INSERT INTO `Region` VALUES ('2034', '2', 'CN-33', 'Zhejiang', '1'); INSERT INTO `Region` VALUES ('3001', '3', 'A', 'Alsace', '1'); INSERT INTO `Region` VALUES ('3002', '3', 'B', 'Aquitaine', '1'); INSERT INTO `Region` VALUES ('3003', '3', 'C', 'Auvergne', '1'); INSERT INTO `Region` VALUES ('3004', '3', 'P', 'Basse-Normandie', '1'); INSERT INTO `Region` VALUES ('3005', '3', 'D', 'Bourgogne', '1'); INSERT INTO `Region` VALUES ('3006', '3', 'E', 'Bretagne', '1'); INSERT INTO `Region` VALUES ('3007', '3', 'F', 'Centre', '1'); INSERT INTO `Region` VALUES ('3008', '3', 'G', 'Champagne-Ardenne', '1'); INSERT INTO `Region` VALUES ('3009', '3', 'H', 'Corse', '1'); INSERT INTO `Region` VALUES ('3010', '3', 'GF', 'Guyane', '1'); INSERT INTO `Region` VALUES ('3011', '3', 'I', 'Franche Comté', '1'); INSERT INTO `Region` VALUES ('3012', '3', 'GP', 'Guadeloupe', '1'); INSERT INTO `Region` VALUES ('3013', '3', 'Q', 'Haute-Normandie', '1'); INSERT INTO `Region` VALUES ('3014', '3', 'J', 'Île-de-France', '1'); 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You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.'); -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for Resource_ -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `Resource_`; CREATE TABLE `Resource_` ( `resourceId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `codeId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `primKey` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`resourceId`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_67DE7856` (`codeId`,`primKey`), KEY `IX_2578FBD3` (`codeId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of Resource_ -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for ResourceAction -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ResourceAction`; CREATE TABLE `ResourceAction` ( `resourceActionId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `actionId` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `bitwiseValue` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`resourceActionId`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_EDB9986E` (`name`,`actionId`), KEY `IX_81F2DB09` (`name`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; 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CREATE TABLE `Role_` ( `roleId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `companyId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `classNameId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `classPK` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `name` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `title` longtext, `description` longtext, `type_` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `subtype` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`roleId`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_A88E424E` (`companyId`,`classNameId`,`classPK`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_EBC931B8` (`companyId`,`name`), KEY `IX_449A10B9` (`companyId`), KEY `IX_F436EC8E` (`name`), KEY `IX_5EB4E2FB` (`subtype`), KEY `IX_CBE204` (`type_`,`subtype`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of Role_ -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `Role_` VALUES ('10143', '10136', '10041', '10143', 'Administrator', '', 'Administrators are super users who can do anything.', '1', ''); INSERT INTO `Role_` VALUES ('10144', '10136', '10041', '10144', 'Guest', '', 'Unauthenticated users always have this role.', '1', ''); INSERT INTO `Role_` VALUES ('10145', '10136', '10041', '10145', 'Owner', '', 'This is an implied role with respect to the objects users create.', '1', ''); INSERT INTO `Role_` VALUES ('10146', '10136', '10041', '10146', 'Power User', '', 'Power Users have their own public and private pages.', '1', ''); INSERT INTO `Role_` VALUES ('10147', '10136', '10041', '10147', 'User', '', 'Authenticated users should be assigned this role.', '1', ''); INSERT INTO `Role_` VALUES ('10148', '10136', '10041', '10148', 'Community Administrator', '', 'Community Administrators are super users of their community but cannot make other users into Community Administrators.', '2', ''); INSERT INTO `Role_` VALUES ('10149', '10136', '10041', '10149', 'Community Member', '', 'All users who belong to a community have this role within that community.', '2', ''); INSERT INTO `Role_` VALUES ('10150', '10136', '10041', '10150', 'Community Owner', '', 'Community Owners are super users of their community and can assign community roles to users.', '2', ''); INSERT INTO `Role_` VALUES ('10151', '10136', '10041', '10151', 'Organization Administrator', '', 'Organization Administrators are super users of their organization but cannot make other users into Organization Administrators.', '3', ''); INSERT INTO `Role_` VALUES ('10152', '10136', '10041', '10152', 'Organization Member', '', 'All users who belong to an organization have this role within that organization.', '3', ''); INSERT INTO `Role_` VALUES ('10153', '10136', '10041', '10153', 'Organization Owner', '', 'Organization Owners are super users of their organization and can assign organization roles to users.', '3', ''); -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for Roles_Permissions -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `Roles_Permissions`; CREATE TABLE `Roles_Permissions` ( `roleId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `permissionId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`roleId`,`permissionId`), KEY `IX_7A3619C6` (`permissionId`), KEY `IX_E04E486D` (`roleId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of Roles_Permissions -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for SCFrameworkVersi_SCProductVers -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `SCFrameworkVersi_SCProductVers`; CREATE TABLE `SCFrameworkVersi_SCProductVers` ( `frameworkVersionId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `productVersionId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`frameworkVersionId`,`productVersionId`), KEY `IX_3BB93ECA` (`frameworkVersionId`), KEY `IX_E8D33FF9` (`productVersionId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of SCFrameworkVersi_SCProductVers -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for SCFrameworkVersion -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `SCFrameworkVersion`; CREATE TABLE `SCFrameworkVersion` ( `frameworkVersionId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `groupId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `companyId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userName` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `createDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `modifiedDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `name` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `url` longtext, `active_` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, `priority` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`frameworkVersionId`), KEY `IX_C98C0D78` (`companyId`), KEY `IX_272991FA` (`groupId`), KEY `IX_6E1764F` (`groupId`,`active_`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of SCFrameworkVersion -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for SCLicense -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `SCLicense`; CREATE TABLE `SCLicense` ( `licenseId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `name` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `url` longtext, `openSource` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, `active_` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, `recommended` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`licenseId`), KEY `IX_1C841592` (`active_`), KEY `IX_5327BB79` (`active_`,`recommended`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of SCLicense -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for SCLicenses_SCProductEntries -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `SCLicenses_SCProductEntries`; CREATE TABLE `SCLicenses_SCProductEntries` ( `licenseId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `productEntryId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`licenseId`,`productEntryId`), KEY `IX_27006638` (`licenseId`), KEY `IX_D7710A66` (`productEntryId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; 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-- ---------------------------- -- Records of SCProductEntry -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for SCProductScreenshot -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `SCProductScreenshot`; CREATE TABLE `SCProductScreenshot` ( `productScreenshotId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `companyId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `groupId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `productEntryId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `thumbnailId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `fullImageId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `priority` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`productScreenshotId`), KEY `IX_AE8224CC` (`fullImageId`), KEY `IX_467956FD` (`productEntryId`), KEY `IX_DA913A55` (`productEntryId`,`priority`), KEY `IX_6C572DAC` (`thumbnailId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of SCProductScreenshot -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for SCProductVersion -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `SCProductVersion`; CREATE TABLE `SCProductVersion` ( `productVersionId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `companyId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userName` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `createDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `modifiedDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `productEntryId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `version` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `changeLog` longtext, `downloadPageURL` longtext, `directDownloadURL` varchar(2000) DEFAULT NULL, `repoStoreArtifact` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`productVersionId`), KEY `IX_7020130F` (`directDownloadURL`(767)), KEY `IX_8377A211` (`productEntryId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of SCProductVersion -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for ServiceComponent -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ServiceComponent`; CREATE TABLE `ServiceComponent` ( `serviceComponentId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `buildNamespace` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `buildNumber` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `buildDate` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `data_` longtext, PRIMARY KEY (`serviceComponentId`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_4F0315B8` (`buildNamespace`,`buildNumber`), KEY `IX_7338606F` (`buildNamespace`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of ServiceComponent -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for Shard -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `Shard`; CREATE TABLE `Shard` ( `shardId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `classNameId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `classPK` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `name` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`shardId`), KEY `IX_DA5F4359` (`classNameId`,`classPK`), KEY `IX_941BA8C3` (`name`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of Shard -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `Shard` VALUES ('10137', '10008', '10136', 'default'); -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for ShoppingCart -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ShoppingCart`; CREATE TABLE `ShoppingCart` ( `cartId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `groupId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `companyId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userName` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `createDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `modifiedDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `itemIds` longtext, `couponCodes` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `altShipping` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `insure` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`cartId`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_FC46FE16` (`groupId`,`userId`), KEY `IX_C28B41DC` (`groupId`), KEY `IX_54101CC8` (`userId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of ShoppingCart -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for ShoppingCategory -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ShoppingCategory`; CREATE TABLE `ShoppingCategory` ( `categoryId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `groupId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `companyId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userName` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `createDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `modifiedDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `parentCategoryId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `name` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `description` longtext, PRIMARY KEY (`categoryId`), KEY `IX_5F615D3E` (`groupId`), KEY `IX_1E6464F5` (`groupId`,`parentCategoryId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of ShoppingCategory -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for ShoppingCoupon -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ShoppingCoupon`; CREATE TABLE `ShoppingCoupon` ( `couponId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `groupId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `companyId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userName` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `createDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `modifiedDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `code_` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `name` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `description` longtext, `startDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `endDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `active_` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, `limitCategories` longtext, `limitSkus` longtext, `minOrder` double DEFAULT NULL, `discount` double DEFAULT NULL, `discountType` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`couponId`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_DC60CFAE` (`code_`), KEY `IX_3251AF16` (`groupId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of ShoppingCoupon -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for ShoppingItem -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ShoppingItem`; CREATE TABLE `ShoppingItem` ( `itemId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `groupId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `companyId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userName` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `createDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `modifiedDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `categoryId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `sku` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `name` varchar(200) DEFAULT NULL, `description` longtext, `properties` longtext, `fields_` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, `fieldsQuantities` longtext, `minQuantity` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `maxQuantity` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `price` double DEFAULT NULL, `discount` double DEFAULT NULL, `taxable` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, `shipping` double DEFAULT NULL, `useShippingFormula` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, `requiresShipping` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, `stockQuantity` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `featured_` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, `sale_` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, `smallImage` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, `smallImageId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `smallImageURL` longtext, `mediumImage` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, `mediumImageId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `mediumImageURL` longtext, `largeImage` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, `largeImageId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `largeImageURL` longtext, PRIMARY KEY (`itemId`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_1C717CA6` (`companyId`,`sku`), KEY `IX_FEFE7D76` (`groupId`,`categoryId`), KEY `IX_903DC750` (`largeImageId`), KEY `IX_D217AB30` (`mediumImageId`), KEY `IX_FF203304` (`smallImageId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of ShoppingItem -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for ShoppingItemField -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ShoppingItemField`; CREATE TABLE `ShoppingItemField` ( `itemFieldId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `itemId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `name` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `values_` longtext, `description` longtext, PRIMARY KEY (`itemFieldId`), KEY `IX_6D5F9B87` (`itemId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of ShoppingItemField -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for ShoppingItemPrice -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ShoppingItemPrice`; CREATE TABLE `ShoppingItemPrice` ( `itemPriceId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `itemId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `minQuantity` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `maxQuantity` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `price` double DEFAULT NULL, `discount` double DEFAULT NULL, `taxable` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, `shipping` double DEFAULT NULL, `useShippingFormula` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, `status` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`itemPriceId`), KEY `IX_EA6FD516` (`itemId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of ShoppingItemPrice -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for ShoppingOrder -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ShoppingOrder`; CREATE TABLE `ShoppingOrder` ( `orderId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `groupId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `companyId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userName` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `createDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `modifiedDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `number_` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `tax` double DEFAULT NULL, `shipping` double DEFAULT NULL, `altShipping` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `requiresShipping` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, `insure` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, `insurance` double DEFAULT NULL, `couponCodes` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `couponDiscount` double DEFAULT NULL, `billingFirstName` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `billingLastName` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `billingEmailAddress` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `billingCompany` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `billingStreet` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `billingCity` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `billingState` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `billingZip` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `billingCountry` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `billingPhone` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `shipToBilling` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, `shippingFirstName` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `shippingLastName` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `shippingEmailAddress` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `shippingCompany` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `shippingStreet` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `shippingCity` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `shippingState` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `shippingZip` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `shippingCountry` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `shippingPhone` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `ccName` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `ccType` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `ccNumber` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `ccExpMonth` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `ccExpYear` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `ccVerNumber` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `comments` longtext, `ppTxnId` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `ppPaymentStatus` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `ppPaymentGross` double DEFAULT NULL, `ppReceiverEmail` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `ppPayerEmail` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `sendOrderEmail` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, `sendShippingEmail` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`orderId`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_D7D6E87A` (`number_`), KEY `IX_1D15553E` (`groupId`), KEY `IX_119B5630` (`groupId`,`userId`,`ppPaymentStatus`), KEY `IX_F474FD89` (`ppTxnId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of ShoppingOrder -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for ShoppingOrderItem -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ShoppingOrderItem`; CREATE TABLE `ShoppingOrderItem` ( `orderItemId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `orderId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `itemId` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `sku` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `name` varchar(200) DEFAULT NULL, `description` longtext, `properties` longtext, `price` double DEFAULT NULL, `quantity` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `shippedDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`orderItemId`), KEY `IX_B5F82C7A` (`orderId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of ShoppingOrderItem -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for SocialActivity -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `SocialActivity`; CREATE TABLE `SocialActivity` ( `activityId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `groupId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `companyId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `createDate` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `mirrorActivityId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `classNameId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `classPK` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `type_` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `extraData` longtext, `receiverUserId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`activityId`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_8F32DEC9` (`groupId`,`userId`,`createDate`,`classNameId`,`classPK`,`type_`,`receiverUserId`), KEY `IX_82E39A0C` (`classNameId`), KEY `IX_A853C757` (`classNameId`,`classPK`), KEY `IX_64B1BC66` (`companyId`), KEY `IX_2A2468` (`groupId`), KEY `IX_1271F25F` (`mirrorActivityId`), KEY `IX_1F00C374` (`mirrorActivityId`,`classNameId`,`classPK`), KEY `IX_121CA3CB` (`receiverUserId`), KEY `IX_3504B8BC` (`userId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of SocialActivity -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for SocialEquityAssetEntry -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `SocialEquityAssetEntry`; CREATE TABLE `SocialEquityAssetEntry` ( `equityAssetEntryId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `groupId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `companyId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `assetEntryId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `informationK` double DEFAULT NULL, `informationB` double DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`equityAssetEntryId`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_22F6B5CB` (`assetEntryId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of SocialEquityAssetEntry -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for SocialEquityGroupSetting -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `SocialEquityGroupSetting`; CREATE TABLE `SocialEquityGroupSetting` ( `equityGroupSettingId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `groupId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `companyId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `classNameId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `type_` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `enabled` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`equityGroupSettingId`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_E4F84168` (`groupId`,`classNameId`,`type_`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of SocialEquityGroupSetting -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for SocialEquityHistory -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `SocialEquityHistory`; CREATE TABLE `SocialEquityHistory` ( `equityHistoryId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `groupId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `companyId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `createDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `personalEquity` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`equityHistoryId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of SocialEquityHistory -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for SocialEquityLog -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `SocialEquityLog`; CREATE TABLE `SocialEquityLog` ( `equityLogId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `groupId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `companyId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `assetEntryId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `actionId` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `actionDate` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `active_` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, `expiration` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `type_` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `value` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `extraData` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`equityLogId`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_A0FA597E` (`userId`,`assetEntryId`,`actionId`,`actionDate`,`active_`,`type_`,`extraData`), KEY `IX_AC18D8F8` (`assetEntryId`,`actionId`,`actionDate`,`active_`,`type_`,`extraData`), KEY `IX_541BDA0F` (`assetEntryId`,`actionId`,`active_`,`extraData`), KEY `IX_E8DA181D` (`assetEntryId`,`type_`,`active_`), KEY `IX_3C8A04B2` (`userId`), KEY `IX_18F55CAF` (`userId`,`actionId`,`actionDate`,`active_`,`type_`,`extraData`), KEY `IX_DAE54B49` (`userId`,`assetEntryId`,`actionId`,`active_`,`extraData`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of SocialEquityLog -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for SocialEquitySetting -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `SocialEquitySetting`; CREATE TABLE `SocialEquitySetting` ( `equitySettingId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `groupId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `companyId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `classNameId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `actionId` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `dailyLimit` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `lifespan` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `type_` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `uniqueEntry` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, `value` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`equitySettingId`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_903C1B28` (`groupId`,`classNameId`,`actionId`,`type_`), KEY `IX_F3AAD60D` (`groupId`,`classNameId`,`actionId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of SocialEquitySetting -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for SocialEquityUser -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `SocialEquityUser`; CREATE TABLE `SocialEquityUser` ( `equityUserId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `groupId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `companyId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `contributionK` double DEFAULT NULL, `contributionB` double DEFAULT NULL, `participationK` double DEFAULT NULL, `participationB` double DEFAULT NULL, `rank` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`equityUserId`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_D65D3521` (`groupId`,`userId`), KEY `IX_6B42B3E7` (`groupId`), KEY `IX_945E27C7` (`groupId`,`rank`), KEY `IX_166A8F03` (`rank`), KEY `IX_6ECBD5D` (`userId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of SocialEquityUser -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for SocialRelation -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `SocialRelation`; CREATE TABLE `SocialRelation` ( `uuid_` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `relationId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `companyId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `createDate` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userId1` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userId2` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `type_` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`relationId`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_12A92145` (`userId1`,`userId2`,`type_`), KEY `IX_61171E99` (`companyId`), KEY `IX_95135D1C` (`companyId`,`type_`), KEY `IX_C31A64C6` (`type_`), KEY `IX_5A40CDCC` (`userId1`), KEY `IX_4B52BE89` (`userId1`,`type_`), KEY `IX_B5C9C690` (`userId1`,`userId2`), KEY `IX_5A40D18D` (`userId2`), KEY `IX_3F9C2FA8` (`userId2`,`type_`), KEY `IX_F0CA24A5` (`uuid_`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of SocialRelation -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for SocialRequest -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `SocialRequest`; CREATE TABLE `SocialRequest` ( `uuid_` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `requestId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `groupId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `companyId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `createDate` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `modifiedDate` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `classNameId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `classPK` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `type_` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `extraData` longtext, `receiverUserId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `status` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`requestId`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_36A90CA7` (`userId`,`classNameId`,`classPK`,`type_`,`receiverUserId`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_4F973EFE` (`uuid_`,`groupId`), KEY `IX_D3425487` (`classNameId`,`classPK`,`type_`,`receiverUserId`,`status`), KEY `IX_A90FE5A0` (`companyId`), KEY `IX_32292ED1` (`receiverUserId`), KEY `IX_D9380CB7` (`receiverUserId`,`status`), KEY `IX_80F7A9C2` (`userId`), KEY `IX_CC86A444` (`userId`,`classNameId`,`classPK`,`type_`,`status`), KEY `IX_AB5906A8` (`userId`,`status`), KEY `IX_49D5872C` (`uuid_`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of SocialRequest -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for Subscription -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `Subscription`; CREATE TABLE `Subscription` ( `subscriptionId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `companyId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userName` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `createDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `modifiedDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `classNameId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `classPK` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `frequency` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`subscriptionId`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_2E1A92D4` (`companyId`,`userId`,`classNameId`,`classPK`), KEY `IX_786D171A` (`companyId`,`classNameId`,`classPK`), KEY `IX_54243AFD` (`userId`), KEY `IX_E8F34171` (`userId`,`classNameId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of Subscription -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for TasksProposal -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `TasksProposal`; CREATE TABLE `TasksProposal` ( `proposalId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `groupId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `companyId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userName` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `createDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `modifiedDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `classNameId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `classPK` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `name` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `description` longtext, `publishDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `dueDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`proposalId`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_181A4A1B` (`classNameId`,`classPK`), KEY `IX_7FB27324` (`groupId`), KEY `IX_6EEC675E` (`groupId`,`userId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of TasksProposal -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for TasksReview -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `TasksReview`; CREATE TABLE `TasksReview` ( `reviewId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `groupId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `companyId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userName` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `createDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `modifiedDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `proposalId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `assignedByUserId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `assignedByUserName` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `stage` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `completed` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, `rejected` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`reviewId`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_5C6BE4C7` (`userId`,`proposalId`), KEY `IX_4D0C7F8D` (`proposalId`), KEY `IX_70AFEA01` (`proposalId`,`stage`), KEY `IX_1894B29A` (`proposalId`,`stage`,`completed`), KEY `IX_41AFC20C` (`proposalId`,`stage`,`completed`,`rejected`), KEY `IX_36F512E6` (`userId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of TasksReview -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for Team -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `Team`; CREATE TABLE `Team` ( `teamId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `companyId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userName` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `createDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `modifiedDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `groupId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `name` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `description` longtext, PRIMARY KEY (`teamId`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_143DC786` (`groupId`,`name`), KEY `IX_AE6E9907` (`groupId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of Team -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for Ticket -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `Ticket`; CREATE TABLE `Ticket` ( `ticketId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `companyId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `createDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `classNameId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `classPK` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `key_` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `type_` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `extraInfo` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `expirationDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`ticketId`), KEY `IX_B2468446` (`key_`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of Ticket -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for User_ -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `User_`; CREATE TABLE `User_` ( `uuid_` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `userId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `companyId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `createDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `modifiedDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `defaultUser` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, `contactId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `password_` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `passwordEncrypted` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, `passwordReset` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, `passwordModifiedDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `digest` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `reminderQueryQuestion` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `reminderQueryAnswer` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `graceLoginCount` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `screenName` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `emailAddress` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `facebookId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `openId` varchar(1024) DEFAULT NULL, `portraitId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `languageId` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `timeZoneId` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `greeting` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `comments` longtext, `firstName` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `middleName` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `lastName` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `jobTitle` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, `loginDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `loginIP` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `lastLoginDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `lastLoginIP` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `lastFailedLoginDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `failedLoginAttempts` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `lockout` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, `lockoutDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `agreedToTermsOfUse` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, `active_` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`userId`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_615E9F7A` (`companyId`,`emailAddress`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_C5806019` (`companyId`,`screenName`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_9782AD88` (`companyId`,`userId`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_5ADBE171` (`contactId`), KEY `IX_3A1E834E` (`companyId`), KEY `IX_5204C37B` (`companyId`,`active_`), KEY `IX_6EF03E4E` (`companyId`,`defaultUser`), KEY `IX_1D731F03` (`companyId`,`facebookId`), KEY `IX_89509087` (`companyId`,`openId`(767)), KEY `IX_762F63C6` (`emailAddress`), KEY `IX_A18034A4` (`portraitId`), KEY `IX_E0422BDA` (`uuid_`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of User_ -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `User_` VALUES ('490cbf66-c767-4b20-bf8a-832861a1f728', '10140', '10136', '2017-06-09 03:16:06', '2017-06-09 03:16:06', '1', '10141', 'password', '0', '0', null, '5533ed38b5e33c076a804bb4bca644f9,436a0549ee5891dab9afc8a3378d5a3e,436a0549ee5891dab9afc8a3378d5a3e', '', '', '0', '10140', 'default@liferay.com', '0', '', '0', 'en_US', 'UTC', 'Welcome!', '', '', '', '', '', '2017-06-09 03:16:06', '', null, '', null, '0', '0', null, '1', '1'); INSERT INTO `User_` VALUES ('9bd41473-6159-48dc-bf46-63c1948bb22d', '10178', '10136', '2017-06-09 03:16:06', '2017-06-09 03:16:06', '0', '10179', 'qUqP5cyxm6YcTAhz05Hph5gvu9M=', '1', '0', null, 'e5d86c6f3672e52795891c3597f20de0,751da756639bc033b572ba2e7849b589,d530e5d49278f0d1b39690c9bcaaf823', 'what-is-your-father\'s-middle-name', '1', '0', 'test', 'test@liferay.com', '0', '', '0', 'en_US', 'UTC', 'Welcome Test Test!', '', 'Test', '', 'Test', '', '2017-06-09 03:16:23', '', '2017-06-09 03:16:23', '', null, '0', '0', null, '1', '1'); -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for UserGroup -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `UserGroup`; CREATE TABLE `UserGroup` ( `userGroupId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `companyId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `parentUserGroupId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `name` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `description` longtext, `addedByLDAPImport` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`userGroupId`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_23EAD0D` (`companyId`,`name`), KEY `IX_524FEFCE` (`companyId`), KEY `IX_69771487` (`companyId`,`parentUserGroupId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of UserGroup -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for UserGroupGroupRole -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `UserGroupGroupRole`; CREATE TABLE `UserGroupGroupRole` ( `userGroupId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `groupId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `roleId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`userGroupId`,`groupId`,`roleId`), KEY `IX_CCBE4063` (`groupId`), KEY `IX_CAB0CCC8` (`groupId`,`roleId`), KEY `IX_1CDF88C` (`roleId`), KEY `IX_DCDED558` (`userGroupId`), KEY `IX_73C52252` (`userGroupId`,`groupId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of UserGroupGroupRole -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for UserGroupRole -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `UserGroupRole`; CREATE TABLE `UserGroupRole` ( `userId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `groupId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `roleId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`userId`,`groupId`,`roleId`), KEY `IX_1B988D7A` (`groupId`), KEY `IX_871412DF` (`groupId`,`roleId`), KEY `IX_887A2C95` (`roleId`), KEY `IX_887BE56A` (`userId`), KEY `IX_4D040680` (`userId`,`groupId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of UserGroupRole -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for UserGroups_Teams -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `UserGroups_Teams`; CREATE TABLE `UserGroups_Teams` ( `userGroupId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `teamId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`userGroupId`,`teamId`), KEY `IX_31FB0B08` (`teamId`), KEY `IX_7F187E63` (`userGroupId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of UserGroups_Teams -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for UserIdMapper -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `UserIdMapper`; CREATE TABLE `UserIdMapper` ( `userIdMapperId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `userId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `type_` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `description` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `externalUserId` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`userIdMapperId`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_41A32E0D` (`type_`,`externalUserId`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_D1C44A6E` (`userId`,`type_`), KEY `IX_E60EA987` (`userId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of UserIdMapper -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for UserNotificationEvent -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `UserNotificationEvent`; CREATE TABLE `UserNotificationEvent` ( `uuid_` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `userNotificationEventId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `companyId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `type_` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `timestamp` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `deliverBy` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `payload` longtext, PRIMARY KEY (`userNotificationEventId`), KEY `IX_3E5D78C4` (`userId`), KEY `IX_ECD8CFEA` (`uuid_`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of UserNotificationEvent -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for Users_Groups -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `Users_Groups`; CREATE TABLE `Users_Groups` ( `userId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `groupId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`userId`,`groupId`), KEY `IX_C4F9E699` (`groupId`), KEY `IX_F10B6C6B` (`userId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of Users_Groups -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `Users_Groups` VALUES ('10178', '10162'); -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for Users_Orgs -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `Users_Orgs`; CREATE TABLE `Users_Orgs` ( `userId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `organizationId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`userId`,`organizationId`), KEY `IX_7EF4EC0E` (`organizationId`), KEY `IX_FB646CA6` (`userId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of Users_Orgs -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for Users_Permissions -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `Users_Permissions`; CREATE TABLE `Users_Permissions` ( `userId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `permissionId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`userId`,`permissionId`), KEY `IX_8AE58A91` (`permissionId`), KEY `IX_C26AA64D` (`userId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of Users_Permissions -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for Users_Roles -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `Users_Roles`; CREATE TABLE `Users_Roles` ( `userId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `roleId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`userId`,`roleId`), KEY `IX_C19E5F31` (`roleId`), KEY `IX_C1A01806` (`userId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of Users_Roles -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `Users_Roles` VALUES ('10178', '10143'); INSERT INTO `Users_Roles` VALUES ('10140', '10144'); INSERT INTO `Users_Roles` VALUES ('10178', '10146'); INSERT INTO `Users_Roles` VALUES ('10178', '10147'); -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for Users_Teams -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `Users_Teams`; CREATE TABLE `Users_Teams` ( `userId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `teamId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`userId`,`teamId`), KEY `IX_4D06AD51` (`teamId`), KEY `IX_A098EFBF` (`userId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of Users_Teams -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for Users_UserGroups -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `Users_UserGroups`; CREATE TABLE `Users_UserGroups` ( `userGroupId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `userId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`userGroupId`,`userId`), KEY `IX_66FF2503` (`userGroupId`), KEY `IX_BE8102D6` (`userId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of Users_UserGroups -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for UserTracker -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `UserTracker`; CREATE TABLE `UserTracker` ( `userTrackerId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `companyId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `modifiedDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `sessionId` varchar(200) DEFAULT NULL, `remoteAddr` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `remoteHost` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `userAgent` varchar(200) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`userTrackerId`), KEY `IX_29BA1CF5` (`companyId`), KEY `IX_46B0AE8E` (`sessionId`), KEY `IX_E4EFBA8D` (`userId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of UserTracker -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for UserTrackerPath -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `UserTrackerPath`; CREATE TABLE `UserTrackerPath` ( `userTrackerPathId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `userTrackerId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `path_` longtext, `pathDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`userTrackerPathId`), KEY `IX_14D8BCC0` (`userTrackerId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of UserTrackerPath -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for VirtualHost -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `VirtualHost`; CREATE TABLE `VirtualHost` ( `virtualHostId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `companyId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `layoutSetId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `hostname` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`virtualHostId`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_A083D394` (`companyId`,`layoutSetId`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_431A3960` (`hostname`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of VirtualHost -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `VirtualHost` VALUES ('10139', '10136', '0', 'localhost'); -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for Vocabulary -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `Vocabulary`; CREATE TABLE `Vocabulary` ( `vocabularyId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `groupId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `companyId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userName` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `createDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `modifiedDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `name` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `description` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `folksonomy` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`vocabularyId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of Vocabulary -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for WebDAVProps -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `WebDAVProps`; CREATE TABLE `WebDAVProps` ( `webDavPropsId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `companyId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `createDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `modifiedDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `classNameId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `classPK` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `props` longtext, PRIMARY KEY (`webDavPropsId`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_97DFA146` (`classNameId`,`classPK`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of WebDAVProps -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for Website -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `Website`; CREATE TABLE `Website` ( `websiteId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `companyId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userName` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `createDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `modifiedDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `classNameId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `classPK` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `url` longtext, `typeId` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `primary_` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`websiteId`), KEY `IX_96F07007` (`companyId`), KEY `IX_4F0F0CA7` (`companyId`,`classNameId`), KEY `IX_F960131C` (`companyId`,`classNameId`,`classPK`), KEY `IX_1AA07A6D` (`companyId`,`classNameId`,`classPK`,`primary_`), KEY `IX_F75690BB` (`userId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of Website -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for WikiNode -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `WikiNode`; CREATE TABLE `WikiNode` ( `uuid_` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `nodeId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `groupId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `companyId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userName` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `createDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `modifiedDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `name` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `description` longtext, `lastPostDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`nodeId`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_920CD8B1` (`groupId`,`name`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_7609B2AE` (`uuid_`,`groupId`), KEY `IX_5D6FE3F0` (`companyId`), KEY `IX_B480A672` (`groupId`), KEY `IX_6C112D7C` (`uuid_`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of WikiNode -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for WikiPage -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `WikiPage`; CREATE TABLE `WikiPage` ( `uuid_` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `pageId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `resourcePrimKey` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `groupId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `companyId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userName` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `createDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `modifiedDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `nodeId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `title` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `version` double DEFAULT NULL, `minorEdit` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, `content` longtext, `summary` longtext, `format` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `head` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, `parentTitle` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `redirectTitle` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `status` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `statusByUserId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `statusByUserName` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `statusDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`pageId`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_3D4AF476` (`nodeId`,`title`,`version`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_2CD67C81` (`resourcePrimKey`,`nodeId`,`version`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_899D3DFB` (`uuid_`,`groupId`), KEY `IX_A2001730` (`format`), KEY `IX_C8A9C476` (`nodeId`), KEY `IX_E7F635CA` (`nodeId`,`head`), KEY `IX_65E84AF4` (`nodeId`,`head`,`parentTitle`), KEY `IX_9F7655DA` (`nodeId`,`head`,`parentTitle`,`status`), KEY `IX_432F0AB0` (`nodeId`,`head`,`status`), KEY `IX_46EEF3C8` (`nodeId`,`parentTitle`), KEY `IX_1ECC7656` (`nodeId`,`redirectTitle`), KEY `IX_546F2D5C` (`nodeId`,`status`), KEY `IX_997EEDD2` (`nodeId`,`title`), KEY `IX_E745EA26` (`nodeId`,`title`,`head`), KEY `IX_BEA33AB8` (`nodeId`,`title`,`status`), KEY `IX_B771D67` (`resourcePrimKey`,`nodeId`), KEY `IX_94D1054D` (`resourcePrimKey`,`nodeId`,`status`), KEY `IX_FBBE7C96` (`userId`,`nodeId`,`status`), KEY `IX_9C0E478F` (`uuid_`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of WikiPage -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for WikiPageResource -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `WikiPageResource`; CREATE TABLE `WikiPageResource` ( `uuid_` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `resourcePrimKey` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `nodeId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `title` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`resourcePrimKey`), UNIQUE KEY `IX_21277664` (`nodeId`,`title`), KEY `IX_BE898221` (`uuid_`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of WikiPageResource -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for WorkflowDefinitionLink -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `WorkflowDefinitionLink`; CREATE TABLE `WorkflowDefinitionLink` ( `workflowDefinitionLinkId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `groupId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `companyId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userName` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `createDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `modifiedDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `classNameId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `workflowDefinitionName` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `workflowDefinitionVersion` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`workflowDefinitionLinkId`), KEY `IX_A8B0D276` (`companyId`), KEY `IX_A4DB1F0F` (`companyId`,`workflowDefinitionName`,`workflowDefinitionVersion`), KEY `IX_B6EE8C9E` (`groupId`,`companyId`,`classNameId`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of WorkflowDefinitionLink -- ---------------------------- -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for WorkflowInstanceLink -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `WorkflowInstanceLink`; CREATE TABLE `WorkflowInstanceLink` ( `workflowInstanceLinkId` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `groupId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `companyId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `userName` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `createDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `modifiedDate` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `classNameId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `classPK` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `workflowInstanceId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`workflowInstanceLinkId`), KEY `IX_415A7007` (`groupId`,`companyId`,`classNameId`,`classPK`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of WorkflowInstanceLink -- ----------------------------